Donald Trump can do what he wants – in essence, this was the statement from the White house to the surprising withdrawal of American ground troops from Syria. “The President is empowered to make this decision, and he has taken,” said a high-ranking government officials on Wednesday in a conference call with journalists.

That was, of course, a purely formal defense. That Trump as commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces has the right to decide on their bets, not on Wednesday at all to the debate. It was quite different questions: How Trump came to the decision? Why he took you so suddenly this Tuesday? And especially: Is it the right decision?

“A big mistake”

The last question is practically answered in the negative by the entire foreign policy Establishment in Washington. Trump, the only purpose of the US involvement in Syria was shattered, the “Caliphate” of the terrorist group Islamic state to save the IS so the occupied area. The success of the Islamic state is defeated, tweeted Trump on Wednesday. Therefore: Deduction.

Many experts see it differently. Hold the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, a gift to the brutal Regime of dictator Bashar al-Assad and its hardly less brutal allies, Russia and Iran. Vice-President Mike Pence was ordered on Wednesday by angry Republican senators into the Capitol to explain trump’s decision. The deduction was “a big mistake”, increase the danger of an Iranian-Israeli war, and harmful to America’s reputation as a reliable Partner, and criticized, for example, Senator Marco Rubio. Similar to many of his colleagues commented. What the senators infuriated also extraordinary, was the fact that Trump had not informed them. They learned of the withdrawal command from the news. This, in turn, leads to the first question: How Trump came to the decision?

After all, what is known so far, the answer is: in any case, the fact that he had listened to his foreign policy and national security adviser. Both the US chief of staff General Joseph Dunford, as well as the Minister, Mike Pompeo (Outside) and James Mattis (defense), as well as Trumps security adviser John Bolton and various other American diplomats dealing with Syria, are against the withdrawal. You don’t want to leave Tehran and Moscow in the field or the IS the opportunity to regroup. A similar view of the European and Arab countries, which have fought with the USA in the coalition against the IS. They were also informed about Trumps decision at best, but not consulted beforehand.

No Surprise

so it looks like Donald Trump, so I asked a Person for advice: Donald Trump. And that Trump wanted to end the military operation in Syria as quickly as possible, was known for a long time. Trump has supported the fight against the IS, at least as long as these ruled over a “Caliphate”. But the U.S. President never had the intention to let in the Syrian civil war or of permanent American troops. In this regard, the staff in the White house, who spoke on Wednesday with the press was right: “What the President thinks, was known. I don’t think the decision for a Surprise.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 21.12.2018, 06:20 PM