“The police on this year’s 100 firings: ”Alarming””

“A new shooting was the third day.”

“So is the situation in the Stockholm county and so far this year, 11 people died.”

“– It is a serious development that several young people die because of skjutvapenvåld, says regionpolischef Ulf Johansson.”

“The deadly shootings in the county of Stockholm is continuing.”

“From January to the middle of december, a total of 11 people died and 47 were injured in over 100 firings, according to new statistics by the police today.”

“the Shootings need to put a lot of pressure on the police, health care and society as a whole and regionpolischefen in Stockholm, describes the development as ”alarming”.”

“– It is a serious development that several young people die because of skjutvapenvåld. Even if the number of dödskjutningar has gone down slightly compared with last year, it is alarming, ” says regionpolischef Ulf Johansson.”

“According to the police, one sees a trend with more and more young offenders in the shootings.”

“– We can see that it is getting increasingly younger ages as they take firearms. There are very young people in our investigations, and which also requires efforts from the school, social services and municipalities, ” says Christoffer Wedelin, head of the regional investigative team of the police in Stockholm.”

“in Order to curb the shootings, the police have launched what they call a ”special event” which goes under the name ”Max”, which is led by a staff with powers to allocate resources from the authority.”

“the Goal is to reduce the number of firings and the amount of illegal firearms.”

“– We have in Stockholm for a year, worked very actively directed against skjutvapenvåldet, known conflicts, and worked actively to try to prevent an escalation, ” says Christopher Wedelin, who also leads the bet ”the Max”.”

“Are you on any point self-critical considering that the shootings continue at the same levels as before?”

“– It is clear that we always wished that we could prevent more firings. We can always feel that we can do more, but we also know that we have prevented several possible firings during the year and the work we can be proud of, ” says Christoffer Wedelin.”

“the Seizure of weapons and drugs”

“so Far this year, the number of firings remained at the same high level as in previous years.”

“at the same time as the number of firings is at the same high levels as during the previous years are now sitting around 50 people detained or under arrest for murder and attempted murder – one of them 22-year-old Shayan Gaffs suspected killer. The teaching student was shot down with several shots from behind and the police suspect that the offender believed that he shot another person.”