He held his head high and with a stretched middle finger: After almost two years in the Donald trump the circus show is defense Minister James Mattis at the end of February from its office withdraw. The former leather neck General had enough of a fahrigen President, he did apparently miss, and he took less and less full.

The news that Mattis retire will kidney, struck like a bomb in Washington, as if the American capital is not enough, had to chew on: trump’s withdrawal from Syria, the impending Shutdown of the US state in the night to Saturday due to the Bessessenheit of the President with the border wall to Mexico – and now this.

“what now?”, Mattis’ predecessor, Leon Panetta, who headed the Pentagon under Barack Obama, asked at a loss. Yes, how well? Mattis, a formidable thinker and successful General, who had guided, among other things, the near and Middle East, responsible for the Central command of the U.S. armed forces, was the last adult in Trumps environment. In contrast to the large speaker’s Minister Mike Pompeo and the rabid security adviser John Bolton outside Mattis was a man of principles and of resistance, when he deemed it necessary.

concern in Washington

Now he made a clean sweep. In his farewell letter to Trump and he found not a single word of praise for the Boss, but a defendant whose fascination with authoritarian figures on the cost of the democratic allies of the United States. “My opinion about the respect with which allies should be treated, and my unobstructed view of malicious actors and strategic competitors is a result of a four decades long employment with these things,” wrote the Ex-General and called for “solidarity with the allies.”

Not enough so that the outgoing Minister informed the President in the last sentence of his letter that it was “an honor” to “serve the Nation” – not Trump. The President should seek a defense Minister, whose views “more with him,” agreed.

The sass, nourished, but also the concern of the spread in Washington on Thursday night: Who would keep Trump in the future for yourself and the craziness of the President’s parry, if necessary? It Mattis, the Trumps idea shot down, Bashar al-Assad, contrary to U.S. to eliminate laws. And it Mattis, the Trumps decree on a ban on Transgender soldiers in the U.S. armed forces first.

ratio of the time

Bob Woodward’s revelation cooled book Trumps the first year in office, Mattis cited as someone who doubted the intellectual abilities of the President and to call him a childish idiot. The Ex-naval infantryman denied obligation pursuant to, no one in Washington doubted, however, that Mattis truth was faithfully been reproduced. The initially close relationship of the Trumps to “his General”, – the President called him, national security Advisor H. R. McMaster, and homeland security-Secretary of state John Kelly “my generals” – cooled down over time. In October, Trump said in an Interview, Mattis’ll go “maybe” and a kind of Democrat, was in truth “”. Was, In reality, and Mattis is an ascetic with a Trump superior intellect, is neither a chatterbox nor a cheap effects covered Blender.

Donald trump’s strange foreign policy, his fascination with China and Russia and North Korea was Mattis as little creeps as Trumps rejection of traditional alliances. “If it weren’t for Nato, you would have to invent them,” said Mattis.

“crisis of national security”

The break came because of trump’s lone decision, U.S. troops from Syria to deduct. Mattis, however, was, as Pompeo and Bolton, by the way, and tried after the decision for the last Time, the President is still to change his mind. Insider reports, the General had visited on an early Thursday morning, that’s why the White house – in vain.

According to his resignation letter anxiety spread in the capital. “If the defence Minister withdraws due to a public Disagreement with a President whose foreign policy is, in his opinion, derailed, then this is a crisis of national security,” tweeted democratic Senator Chris Murphy (Connecticut). The process was crazy, “” said his colleague, Mark Warner (Virginia).

And Trump? He lied once again. James Mattis had gone “into retirement”, he said. No, Mr President, the old General has not gone into “retirement”. He will not quit his service, because he couldn’t stand it with you. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 21.12.2018, 05:59 PM