In Berlin there is shortages of the flu vaccine. “Some of the Doctors and pharmacies a capacity problem has occurred,” said Silvia Kostner from the state office for health and social Affairs. Of a lack you could not speak.

in fact, the current Influenza vaccine 2018/19 was distributed probably just uneven. “We don’t know how much vaccine is in the whole of Berlin,” says Kostner. Some Doctors and pharmacists have enough on stock, other, in turn, the vaccine was assumed.

This could not be due to the fact, Kostner, that the affected practitioner calculates the amount of required vaccines for this year correctly and you will not early on have ordered. “There might be Doctors who have plenty of vaccine, but not, it is because you want to make the business itself,” he says Kostner.

Significantly higher demand than last year

in mid-November, the countries of lower Saxony, Bremen, Saarland, Thuringia, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt supply shortages with the flu vaccines were reported. The Federal Ministry of health responded: For the Rest of this flu season may allow the Federal States, the regional requirements, pharmacies and doctor’s offices among themselves with the flu vaccine supply and that the EU’s foreign-based flu vaccines may be delivered in pharmacies.

From the Federal Ministry of health, stated on a daily level-a request that the demand for the flu vaccine this year is significantly higher from last year. This probably has to do with the severe Flu epidemic in the past season.

Berlin, now vaccinated, and the practitioner will not carry out the flu vaccination, advises Silvia Kostner, with other Doctors by phone. She pointed out that even specialist doctors like gynecologist vaccinations. A good Alternative doctors houses with an attached pharmacy are also.

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Influenza flu-vaccine. in some Parts of Germany almost

it is Generally recommended to be in September or October to vaccinate, because after nearly two weeks, the protection applies