the attorney general in Washington D. C. to pursue legal action against Facebook for having given the company the Cambridge Analytica access to data from the 87 million users.

This writes the news agency AP.

According to the lawsuit, which came Wednesday, is Facebook’s users were misinformed about their data security, and on the other, Facebook not had proper control of third parties who have had access to user information.

– We seek to hold Facebook responsible for exhibit and put users personal information at stake for ten million users, said attorney general Karl Racine, according to the AP in a telephone news conference.

– We hope that this lawsuit will get Facebook to take better care of its data.

In a press release from Facebook is the company to action.

‘We take the complaints to note and look forward to continuing our discussions with the public prosecutors in the D. C. and other places’, is it from Facebook.

After Cambridge Analytica scandal has Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, among other things, had to be in front of the Congress in the UNITED states.

Technology – 25. oct. 2018 – at. 15:12 Requirements: the UNION must delve into Facebook after the big datalæk

Earlier Wednesday, the New York Times reveal that Facebook has sold hundreds of millions of users ‘ personal data to other companies. Partly to numerous small businesses and partly to over 150 major companies such as Microsoft, Netflix and Spotify.

Datalækket occurred from 2010 to this year. It includes among others the users ‘private messages, friends’ addresses, friends ‘ names and addresses.

Technology – 19. dec. 2018 – at. 09:49 New big disclosure: Facebook lied when they promised you the privacy

Here you can learn about the Facebook case

* As part of a scientific study used the british psychologist and dataforsker Aleksandr Kogan in 2014 Facebook to collect data about people’s personality types.

* Kogan is affiliated with the university of Cambridge. But the app “thisisyourdigitallife” was developed by his own company Global Science Research.

* the 270,000 Facebook users – mainly in the UNITED states – used the app and took part in the quiz. Participants received a payment of a few dollars to help.

* Such as the Facebook data protection worked back then, was not only collected data from the participating Facebook users ‘ profile, but also from their Facebook friends. It happened without their knowledge.

* It is done through market research firm Cambridge Analytica. The company had offices and worked in the UNITED states, but was owned by a british company.

* According to Facebook, data were collected from 87 million Facebook users.

* Cambridge Analytica, which had no formal connection to Cambridge University, bought the information. It says Christopher Wylie, a former employee, and as the matter was brought to roll.

* the Information was according to Wylie used to make a psychological profile on the Facebook users. They got sent to the targeted material on Donald Trump during the american presidential election in 2016.

* Cambridge Analytica worked for the Trump campaign. The company denies the material from Facebook was used in the connection.

* Facebook’s rules do not allow any third party to use the data for commercial purposes.

* Facebook has said that the quiz was removed, since it was found that there had been breaches of the rules. Facebook also asked for a guarantee that the information had been deleted.

* Facebook’s ceo, Mark Zuckerberg, has admitted that the company has made mistakes.

* Seven danes have, according to the Facebook even downloaded the Kogans app.

* 41.820 Danish Facebook-users can be due to their Facebook-friendship with people who have downloaded the app, potentially having their data abused by Cambridge Analytica.

* Cambridge Analytica submitted in the middle of may in the year of bankruptcy and is now closed.

* In the action from the attorney general it is argued that Facebook misled users about data security, and that the company is not adequately monitored third-party applications.

* It is according to Reuters the first time that u.s. authorities are trying to get penalized Facebook for Cambridge Analyticas use of the platform.

Sources: BBC, The Guardian, Facebook, dpa, CNN and Sky News.

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