Science information technology center to build Kajaani Nordic a faster computer.Ceo Kimmo On introduced in 2014 in Kajaani CSC-center of what was then super computers. Juha Neuvonen

Kajaani has risen to international technology topic of discussion after the center for Science CSC announced he would build the Kainuu to the capital of Finland for the next super computer.

Popular tech site Tom’s Hardware reports that build a computer is as high as 3125 processors, each with 64 cores. So the end result is as high as 200 000 core supercomputer, which computational power is to find a winner at least in the Nordic countries. The new super computer is planned to be operational in 2020.

the State-run CSC to build a super computer to serve society broadly. New hardware comes to universities and polytechnics, but also research institutions for academic use. The construction is justified by the fact that the new super computer in purchase to make sure the Finnish research community of the international competitiveness of data – and calculation-intensive research areas.

the technology website HPC Wire reports the new machine extreme performance, because after graduating the machine is told to give Finnish researchers use as much as five times the performance of earlier use of computers compared to. The auxiliary power will be multiplied to serve many disciplines such as climate research, fusion energy development, and medicine.

CSC:no pages Finnish scientists praise already opportunities that the new computer will bring.

– If I am a bear leader of the pack, so CSC’s new supercomputer environment open research group, my big honey jar. One of the life sciences the main objectives is to understand how cell membrane proteins to control the cells functions. These proteins are activated in about a millisecond, which may sound short, but atomic-level computer simulations in terms of these time scales of the achievement so far has been completely unreachable, professor Ilpo Vattula tell about the new features of the computer.

– Now introduced in most capacity, we are able to finally achieve this critical limit and thus to clarify in detail how membrane proteins work and how their malfunction leads to diseases. These scientific breakthroughs enabling resources is our business unique but also globally.

professor Hannu Häkkinen sees the new computer as an important for the whole of Finland’s competitiveness.

– a New generation of supercomputer will significantly improve computational science in national resources. It will strengthen our competitiveness in the international arena and will allow top researchers to remain in the international forefront, Häkkinen says.

a Computer will also promote the health and well-being.

– the CSC, the new system will allow cancer and antibiotic drugs in the design of a completely new approach. Contrast with the past, we can now deal with the drugs and their target proteins as dynamic entities. This also allows completely new medicinal effect of items taken into account and, ultimately, lead to better and more effective drugs, drug design professor Antti Poso forecast.

Although Kajaani rising super computer is the nordic region’s most effective, so the top of the world it is not. The world’s fastest super computers can be found currently from China. The top position may however change soon, as IL tell you the other day japan’s plan to build the world’s most powerful super computer, which would be introduced in 2020.