A long hunt might be over. In 100 years, archaeologists have been looking for a vikingegravplads in Aarhus, and on Tuesday came the a good piece of road.

Archaeologists from Moesgaard Museum found a grave from the viking age at a construction site at the former library in the Parks, writes the museum in a press release.

It means that the archaeologists may very well be on the trail of the burial site, as they have been looking for for so many years, says udgravningsleder Mogens Høegsberg.

– It is pretty unique, because we have not found some regular burials from the time. It is the first secure burial from the viking age, as we have found in Aarhus at all.

– It is a great feeling, all of a sudden be faced with something you have been looking for for so long.

And it was not something we had expected to find, so when we came across it, so we were really happy. It was an early christmas present, we got us there, he says.

Found suggests that there is talk about a warrior, as the person was buried with axe and shield. The reason that the archaeologists can be so sure that the tomb dates from the viking age, is precisely the two objects.

the Shape of the shield can be seen, because there is a skjoldbule back. The form belongs to in the second half of the 900 century – that is, in the viking age – explains Mogens Høegsberg.

– If we had not found it, so we could not say that it was from the viking age.

Archaeologists will in the future monitor the excavations in the area around the wind farm, to see whether there appears other fund.

– Now we want to keep good and thorough eye with it. It is possible that there could be more graves in there, says Mogens Høegsberg.

He explains that one cannot immediately say anything about where the person comes from, but he would not rule out, that you want to make an analysis of the bones to find out more.