This is ready to take the step, from the less formal regjeringssonderinger, to regjeringsforhandlinger.

It is clear after a meeting in the morning where forhandlingsdelegasjonen led by the deputy chair Kjell Britain Ropstad, has put forward its recommendation to the KrFs sentralstyre and party.

Stortingsgruppa and the central executive committee have been sitting together in around an hour, before they decided to give Ropstad his blessing.

the progress party says yes to negotiations with the Sector. Siv Jensen sets with knalltøff kravliste to Ropstad

– the Decision was unanimous, ” says Knut Arild Hareide, saying it was an enthusiastic party – and sentralstyregruppe who said yes.

The regjeringsforhandlingene to start of the year.

– Clear requirements

” We have had good sonderingssamtaler. It is of course not done any real clarification, it will happen in the negotiations, says Kjell Britain Ropstad to the press after the meeting.

” We got very clear requirements from the stortingsgruppa and the central executive committee, the Progress can not go to government for a each price .We must have significant support in important fields, ” says Ropstad and lists:

– the national executive committee has previously lifted up both to the promise of the christian cultural heritage, the important fellesverdiene. We we have talked about a barnereform, and to get a lift for the family, a likeversreform and take a global responsibility on climate change and poverty. There is a wide range we are going to promise, it must be a good a whole if we are to be able to go into the government.

Ropstad also confirms that abortion has been a part of the conversations.

– There have of course been a part of sonderingene and will be a part of the negotiations, ” he says.

Hareide will support up

Knut Arild Hareide will not be a part of forhandlingdelegasjonen, but lead a reference group that will advise the delegation during the negotiations .

– I will do what I can to support the regjeringsforhandlingene, says Hareide, who rejects that it would have been more natural to constitute a new leader while the negotiations are ongoing.

– It is now even so our decision was that we first should do negotiations sonderinger it ne way: I have all the time meant that the day of a regjeringserklæring is ready, then pulls me back. The experience I a whole lot agree with, ” he says, and gets the support of the Ropstad.

– We are not in the target with a regjeringsplattforn. It is not given that this is successful, therefore, it is natural that Hareide is with, in the role he has, ” says Ropstad.

– Good location

Why was stortingsgruppa and the landsstyre so enthusiastic, it was Hareide asked:

It is because we see good opportunities for adoption. We have not received any final guarantees, but we also see that we have good opportunities to achieve important things for us, as the battle for sorteringssamfunnet. The real regjeringsforhandlingene must of course provide final clarification for the Sector, said Hareide who believe that KrF has a good starting point in the negotiations.

– We also know that we have a very good bargaining position. Select This and say yes, go to the government from a minority government to be a majority rule, ” says Hareide.

In the forhandlingsdelegasjonen also has 1. the deputy chair Olaug Bollestad participated, as well as the Oslo-politician Eirik Lunde, representing the red wing in the party, as well as Ropstads longtime adviser Jorunn Hallaraker.

Ropstad must deliver the

Especially after the demanding veivalget earlier in the fall must Ropstad come back with big political support in order to arouse the enthusiasm of the red wing.

the Newspaper is familiar with that forsmådde “red” Better-several have enormous forvetninger to Ropstad reflected in any regjeringsforhandlinger.

Several people think the deputy chair has promised more than he will be able to keep, especially in the matter of abortion.

Sources Dagbladet has talked with have dry noted that Ropstad should deliver “the green light” for the Sector to meet the expectations he himself has created. They believe the party sacrificed its Hareide to sit in the Solberg-government, and that it must be compensated for in the form of political concessions from the government.

We all have a huge responsibility to the overall party, that is why I am so happy that the party is so clear behind the politics, I think it is the political support for that party should stand united in the aftermath, says Ropstad to the Newspaper on the questions about what responsibility he has to gather the party into the negotiations.

Three clear requirements from Frp

There was a progress party that yesterday – without a trace of enthusiasm – gave his yes to negotiate with the Progress yesterday.

Siv Jensen was clear that the conservative party does not for any price will have the Progress with in the government. Frp-leader has the requirements to Progress clear, and says that the progress party will require them to drop the Sector into the government.

– Transport is important for the progress party. We know that many motorists are struggling. It is also important for us to to greater innstramminger on asylum and innvandringsfeltet. And we need to get to a package that further lowers the overall tax and avgiftstrykket in Norway, said Jensen on Tuesday night.