Left held landsstyremøte last weekend and passed a resolution on requirements for new regjeringsplattform. There it is stated that they will increase bestandsmålene for the major Norwegian predators.

Immediately afterwards gave thus the party’s climate – and miljøminister Ola Elvestuen the go-ahead to that Slettås-herd within ulvesonen in Hedmark can be launched. The wolf is critically endangered of extinction, according to the Norwegian redlist. The hunt starts 1. January.

It is not new that many , especially locally, long has been wanting to get rid of Slettås-the herd – the last few years have rovviltnemndene decided that the wolves here to be fired because many in the community believe that animals have lost their natural shyness.

to find out if it is hold in this, the wolves have been radiomerket and followed closely. But nothing indicates that wolves in the Slettås is more or less shy than other wolves. Rather on the contrary. It turns out that when the wolves are approaching settlement, it is rare and any time of the night.

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And when they come closest to the houses, is it because they choose the least energy-consuming route through the deep snow, following moose, or be attracted to man-made åteplasser.

The last two years has not been enough for the Climate and miljødepartementet (KLD) to allow the hunting of wolves in the Slettås-reviret. Actually stated KLD in December of last year that the “the Ministry agrees that a predictable and transparent administration, and konfliktdemping is important for the sake of all concerned. This indicates that the killing of a wolf in the turf within the ulvesonen, as in Slettåsreviret, not allowed .”

the Wolves in the Slettås has not changed behaviour since last year. But in the year, when the ministry is headed by the Left – a party which highlights nature as one of its main innovation – is rolled all the predictability, konfliktdemping and professional knowledge out of the window, and the person that is set to fit on precious Norwegian nature makes knefall for political pressure from special interests.

Left talking hot about biodiversity and how important it is to have cohesive ecosystems in order to take care of the nature in Norway. Unfortunately, they lose all credibility when they now open for the felling of Slettås-herd – at the same time as Sweden has suspended its search in the year because it is not prudent for the stock.

Slettås decision shows that it was going to be a professional-based management of biodiversity in the Climate and miljødepartementet has been replaced with a political circus in which the parties scramble for who can contribute to the fact that most wolves killed before the municipal elections next year.

wolf population in Norway consists of about 70 individuals and is critically endangered. It means that there is 50 percent probability that it is going to die out in the course of the next 100 years. So what with skadepotensialet?

the Wolf living in Norway mainly of ungulates, and in ulvesonen is the moose is the main prey. It is to a small extent predators that do that the sheep lost on the utmarksbeite, around 80 per cent of the sauetapet due to other causes. And indeed it is so that the number of sheep on farms within the ulvesonen increases, while the number of sheep that have been taken by the wolf, is gone down.

Still, there is much we do not know about the nature. What is there, and what tasks the different species in the large interaction which keeps everything in balance here on earth, how it is affected if some of the puzzle pieces disappears. But we know that a well-functioning nature is the basis of life itself, that we are completely dependent on it for food, air, clean water, energy, medicines and raw materials for everything we need.

Still we lose more and more of the human activities now operates the world towards a sixth mass extinction. The world’s species are disappearing a thousand times faster than what is natural.

the Left and Ola Elvestuen claim that they want Norway to take a leading role in efforts to halt the loss of biodiversity. It will require a global effort that no one has seen the like before if we are to reach this goal. Fortunately, it is possible, but it means that the job must also be done at home, in every country.

Exactly it is not easier if the Left and Elvestuen fails the Norwegian nature when it is most important to take care of it.

the city Council in Oslo, to deny the ulvejakt