According to the batch leaving the Millard his seat in parliament.

”Jonas Millard has done a very good job as a member of the constitution committee. Some of the accusations made against him have been false. Others have, however, been correct, all of which made the party the confidence of the Milliard has taken damage. We are therefore in agreement with Jonas, who will request the dismissal from his duties as a member of parliament,” says the sweden democrats ‘ group leader Mattias Karlsson in the press release.

DN:s avslöjand e , which was published on 14 december was able to DN show that Millard started an account on internetforumet Flashback. The account, started in 2002, had over a decade of published misogyny and hateful posts. Among the postings were tips on how to buy sex abroad and how you can drugging or mistreating women and then rape them. Jonas Millard has all the time denied that it was he who wrote the postings.

on Tuesday, could Expressen also reveal that Millard spread the rumor that a female organ remained to his job at the party, but also that he recommended an archive with smygtagna nude pictures of women.

the DN has searched Jonas Millard. For the DN states, The sweden democrats to refer to the press release.

Read more: hatred of women and encouragement of rape were spread by the SD peak account

Read more: Millard used the Flashback-the password to jobbmejlen

the Text is updated.