the COURT IN LYNGBY, denmark (Ekstra Bladet) :

It is the second day of the trial against the Norwegian woman, Marie Madeleine Steen, who is charged with a total of 22 cases of fraud and two cases of theft. Defendants met in court, followed by two prison guards, while she leaned upon two crutches.

on Monday, as the trial began, informed her defense counsel that the accused woman had not intended to speak in the matter. This decision she has stuck by.

Also in the day, she was neatly dressed in a black blazer, gray wool turtleneck shirt and black pants. Her gråhvide hair was velfriseret, her lips were red and she had mascara on.

the hearing is called a Norwegian interpreter who can translate for the accused, but also for the Norwegian witnesses who are summoned.

Defendants have even requested that we refrain from interpretation – since she ‘understood well English’ as she herself expressed it, but the interpreter was still in use today, as the first witness to give his explanation.

Here there was talk about a Norwegian younger woman with dreadlocks. She told me that she was an artist, and known in the local area in Maribo.

– Mia Hansen, as she called herself, knocked on my door and told me that she had gone from an abusive husband, explained the Norwegian witness to the court today.

the Witness had forbarmet over the woman, as it was cold and snowed this evening. The Norwegian witness welcomed her inside and offered her a tomato soup, then the guest was hungry.

– She was very friendly and we talked for several hours. She told me that she had problems with the transfer of its Norwegian pension for her Danish office, and therefore, she had no money. I offered her that she could transfer them to me, since I also had a Norwegian account. It was important for me to help, as I thought that she was in distress.

The Norwegian witness handed his debit card to the woman, the so-called ‘Mia’, so she could raise her pension. But ‘Mia’ raised more than that.

the 112 – 17. dec. 2018 – at. 11:52 Bedrageritiltalt woman’s sacrifice: She lied in death

According to the witness ended Marie Madeleine Steen with to cheat her for the small 1000 crowns.

the Accused denies guilty, the case with the Norwegian artist.

another Norwegian witness ended up to borrow the now accused to 1000 dollars.

– I would just like to help a fellow countryman, was her explanation.

Under the explanation tried the witness several times to make eye contact with defendants, but not once as Marie Madeleine Steen towards her. In turn, she sat with his eyes rigidly fixed at its defended papers.

It is not only the press, as today showed interest in the trial of Marie Madeleine Steen.

In the Court in Lyngby was a good 10 regular people met up. The interest may be due to having previously made a podcast about the woman, who also has made her known as ’the Woman with the heavy suitcase’.

The Norwegian-born Marie Madeleine Steen is convicted numerous times of fraud in Norway and Sweden since 1992. The case, now she is indicted, holds 22 cases of fraud as well as two thefts committed in denmark in the period 2014 to 2018.

the Woman, who has been in custody in denmark since the summer, don’t even want to testify during the trial. Instead, have her defend informed that the woman recognises himself guilty in 10 of the 24 conditions. The rest of the situation denies she.

the Trial continues the rest of the day, and there is expected to be judgment in the morning.

the 112 – 17. dec. 2018 – at. 10:10 the Woman with the heavy suitcase: How is she in the right