A peace process “was never so tangible as it is today”. So optimistic of the UN special envoy for Afghanistan expressed. But the crucial Meeting.

The Afghan government had actually set on a different strategy – on the supposedly new Anti-Terror Plan of Donald Trump: more foreign troops, more air strikes and operations by special units, which should weaken the Taliban, they are bent to the negotiating table to bombs. This strategy is not risen.

The radical Islamic militia is gaining ground, perpetrated bloody attacks in the cities, kill civilians and Afghan security forces. To negotiate instead with the Afghan government, the Taliban are just puppets of the West, the radical Islamists now with the world powers, at a table: representatives from the USA, from Russia and now at the Meeting in the United Arab Emirates also representatives from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

Confident, with views of the peace process in Afghanistan: the UN special representative Tadamichi Yamamoto.

“More by the logic of war

The UN special representative of the United Nations for Afghanistan, Tadamichi Yamamoto, solve it,” says the crucial step is now to arrange a Meeting of the Afghan government with the Taliban. In the summer of this year it had been for the first Time in many years, a three-day truce between the opponents, fighters from both sides were presented with flowers and hugs.

“If we make it, from the first contacts, conversations move on,” said Yamamoto in New York, “we can solve more of the logic of war and us more focus on opportunities for peace.” Then you could draw the eye to a stable Afghanistan with opportunities for growth, instead of fearing continued threats emanating from an unstable Afghanistan.