“Stop arms exports – the Yemeni children die”

“Save the Children: When our nordic neighbours are acting, and raises the voice appears to be Sweden’s silence as principlös”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Recently reported Save the Children, and 85 000 children aged between zero and five years may have died in Yemen as a consequence of the war. Every ten minutes, a child dying due to malnutrition and diseases which we in Sweden cures with ease. Nearly half of Yemen’s roughly 27 million inhabitants are children and children are the worst affected by the conflict.”

“the 11 million children are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance in order to survive. Every minute the disease a child in the cholera, and the disease spreads rapidly and threatens the more than 1.8 million malnourished children’s lives. When the starving children to stop their vital organs slowly working to finally put off completely. Parents forced to watch their child slowly wither away without being able to do something about it. “

“Our team on the ground in Yemen face each day families who come with their malnourished children to seek help. The kids are dying for food and medicines stopped at the borders of the country. They die because the violence prevents aid workers and health professionals to reach out to the needy. Even where food is available, many too poor to be able to buy it.”

“the Situation in Yemen is a direct consequence of the escalation of the conflict that occurred almost four years ago, when saudi Arabia and its koalitionspartners began its bombardment of the country. The only thing that can stop the suffering is that the violence will cease and conflict may a peaceful solution.”

“the peace talks that have been giving us reason to hope for the first time in a long time but for the talks to succeed, all countries that in any way influence the warring parties to do everything they can to stop the war.”

“Crimes against international humanitarian law and human rights conventions have all the time been a part of the war.”

“Governments around the world have had reason to question and re-evaluate its relations with saudi Arabia in the past. Save the Children has long seen at first hand how the Saudiledda the coalition relate to international agreements. “

“Crimes against international humanitarian law and human rights conventions have all the time been a part of the war. Schools and hospitals have been attacked. The ninth August this year killed 40 children who were on the trip when their school bus was bombed to pieces. Saudi arabia is not alone, all sides in the conflict have committed crimes and abuses.”

“When abuse is committed and international law is not respected, it must have consequences. A possible consequence is that those who commit abuse are no longer provided with weapons. So has Germany, Norway, Denmark and Finland the latest time in different ways highlighted against saudi Arabia and the coalition of states that wage war in Yemen to limit, or suspend its arms exports to them. “

“They have explicitly justified their decision with reference to violations of international law and the war in Yemen. Sweden has not yet come up with something similar message.it is time now.”

“Sweden’s actions are important and we have shown that we can make a difference. Yemen is one of the countries receiving the most Swedish humanitarian aid and Sweden contribute to the vital humanitarian efforts that every day saves lives.”

“Sweden is among them who has acted in the security council for the Yemeni children. Resolution 2427, which was adopted in the summer and that Sweden took the initiative, is about protecting children in conflict and raises questions that are of great importance in Yemen.nSvenska the MINISTRY for foreign affairs has, together with us at Save the Children and with the UN envoy, met with and listened to children and young people in Yemen who themselves are experts on how children are affected by war. This work to lift the children’s voices and perspectives must continue and here is Sweden a role model for more to follow.”

“Therefore, it is noteworthy that Sweden has not stopped its arms exports to those who wage war in Yemen. By supplying the warring countries with weapons, we are contributing to both their military capacity and their legitimacy.nwhen our nordic neighbours are acting, and raises the voice appears to be Sweden’s silence as principlös.”

“The Swedish foreign policy could otherwise appear to be hypocritical.”

“to Sweden In the licence to export military equipment provided only if it is considered important to ensure Sweden’s security interests. But if Sweden, with the credibility to demand that other states and actors to put international humanitarian law and human rights in front of what they themselves see as their interests, must also be able to do it. “

“the Exports of arms to those who wage war in the Yemen seems more and more like a lakmusttest for our high ambitions in foreign policy as a force for international law, humanitarian principles and human rights. The Swedish foreign policy could otherwise appear to be hypocritical.”

“According to information from the Swedish Peace and arbitration society Swedish military equipment for a half a billion sek were exported to saudi Arabia and five of the nine koalitionspartners since the bombings began in 2015.nnew shops have also been approved during this time. For example, granted in 2016, the export of military equipment to the United arab Emirates, for 10.6 billion Swedish kronor. We expect these permits are now withdrawn.”

“the Pressure on the parties to end to the war would increase. “

“To stop all exports of military equipment to the countries that wage war in Yemen, at least so long as they continue to bomb children and as long as the starving population prevented access to food and medicines, would send an important signal. “

“Sweden’s credibility as an external and neutral facilitator of the peace talks, without bindings to any of the warring parties, would be strengthened. The pressure on the parties to end to the war would increase. “

“But for the signal to go forward is also necessary that the position of the communicated policy and then act forcefully to other countries following, the EU and the UN. Here, we call for political courage and integrity from our government and our parliamentarians.”

“We do not believe that a majority of mps will support continued export of arms to saudi Arabia”

“We already have the ninth of november in the year lifting the requirement about a stop to the export of weapons to those who wage war in Yemen in a letter to the Swedish government, without getting an ounce to the answer. “

“the Government can stop the export without changing any of the laws, regulations or rules. Because of the political situation it is now important that the parliament and all political parties to act. The parliament can require the government, no matter what it may be or become, to take the political responsibility for Swedish arms exports as a Swedish government always ultimately have. “

“We do not believe that a majority of mps will support continued export of arms to saudi Arabia or its koalitionspartners and we note that the at least one motion filed in this matter. The proposal should receive wide support of the block – and the parties.”

“Save the Children is in place to protect and help the children to survive. Among other things, we operate 97 fixed health units, 10 mobile health – and näringsteam and 125 of the smaller units for the treatment of diarrhea and dehydration.”

“Then the fighting broke out, we have reached more than 2 million people, of which over 666 000 children with health care. All children, including children living in war have rights.”

“To children, killed by bombs, disease, and famine should have been given more to act against saudi Arabia and their allies a long time ago. It is time for our elected officials to stand up for Yemeni children and act!”

“nLise Bergh, Chairman Save the Children -”

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