Where is Friedrich Merz? There he is again – after one and a half weeks of Silence. For his followers, a small eternity. He to trust a Minister, said Merz of the FAZ: “But that is a matter for the Chancellor.” The message is clear: Consulting is not enough for him. And he wants to be asked. The obvious reasoning is that The pressure on AKK and Merkel. For now, the Merzianer will call again, louder, after a Post for your Idol.

watched the step-Merz probably forced, because AKK has offered him so far, nothing Corresponding. Meanwhile, it is speculated, Merz could also take the hot seat in the Ministry of defence Ursula von der Leyen. The power struggle in the Union is not blown off.

and in the economic scoot Merz does not want to give up. Embarrassing for him if the Interview without the effect fades.
Speaking of the Ministry of defense: Ex-Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has been reported out of the woodwork and against Markus Söder etched. The has just been officially nominated for the Post of the CSU Chairman. Söder did not even approach the “great party leaders of the CSU,” said Guttenberg to faz.net. Söder don’t have the “intellectual and international Format of a Franz Josef Strauss, or of a Theo Waigel.” A proper clip around the ears, as people would say in Bavaria. Popular you don’t do stuff like that.

Who in the last few months carefully through the corridors of the Bundestag, watching another small war. Doors of Green and Left-wing posters were like “Colorful instead of grey country – Beautiful life without Nazis”. The AfD countered with “Antifa-exit now!”. But the clash will now be brought to an end, the Federal administration has changed the rules of the house. The poster glue is now banned. Had complained, the AfD, you found the “FCK NZS”sticker is not funny.

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to order From the Bundestag circles, it was said, however, that the President of the Bundestag, Schäuble has urged to change the rules. He obviously does not believe in the Motto: Stick and stick.

AfD Deputy Bystron under observation

Great excitement in the Bundestag, a trip to the AfD deputies Petr Bystron. The Chairman of the AfD in the foreign Affairs Committee, has been intermittently observed by the protection of the Constitution. The expense of the taxpayer, he should be according to the “Report Mainz” to South Africa dangers – in order to complete with members of the racist group known “Suidlanders” a shooting training. The “Suidlanders” did not hold a race war is inevitable, a peaceful coexistence between Black and White. The other factions are stunned. “The AfD can not do it seriously as if you had nothing to do with racism,” says Green-PGF Britta Haßelmann. The 2019 a sequel.

Berlin Today commemorates a sad anniversary of The devastating attack on Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz is now exactly two years. In conversation with my colleague, Frank Jansen and me BKA-chief Holger Muench has given to now the shortcomings of his authority in the case of Amri. The BKA have learned, “that we have to deal more with the Person,” said Münch. In the meantime, the authority counts 440 offenders in Germany. Interesting: In the specific case of conferences are now set for each offenders individual measures. This need not be always the Observation or the cell phone Monitoring. Some of the authorities even to ensure that the offenders get a Job. For anyone who is engaged, plans of rare attacks.

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Former Chairman of Merz wants to completely return policy

Rainer Woratschka

The capital situation of Mary Fiedler and her Team is part of the daily mirror-Morning, the news summary for policy-makers. Free of charge, you can register here. In our Podcast “Five minutes in Berlin”, explains Maria Fiedler also, what is it in the Capital.