One of the most common smoking cessation-related concerns is weight gain. Unnecessary pounds for accumulation can, however, be avoided by various means.Many are worried about weight gain after smoking cessation.

quitting Smoking is notoriously difficult. When it’s time to give up tobacco, the bad habit will be replaced very often to someone else. The usual substitutes are sure to food and sweets. It is hardly surprising that this accumulation several few extra pounds, when the mind may creep up the idea, deciding to smoking then quit. The clear answer is: yes, we should.

Weight under control in order to keep the is good to understand how quitting smoking affects the body.

the Nicotine affects both the body’s metabolism that appetite: it weakens the appetite and increases metabolism. Your body consumes calories faster than usual. When the body is no longer the nicotine, your metabolism may slow down, resulting in also calorie consumption is reduced.*

nicotine replacement therapy may help curb your body of nicotine concentration reduction. Nicotine replacement therapy can also improve the smoking cessation chances of success. So, take today first great step towards a new smoke-free life NICORETTE-products.

learn a couple of effective tricks, so you minimize your risk to accumulate unwanted pounds. Keep your weight in check following a few simple but very effective means.

1. Move

Exercise is always good, and it is perhaps even more important than smoking cessation.

Physical activity is not considered a hobby just of dieting, but because it is a complete new way to the old bad one. Motivate yourself to mobilize it, that exercise will improve your fitness and strengthen your body.

2. Make aware food choices

When the desire for a cigarette wake up cigarette instead of it is easy to grab food. This is not necessarily a bad idea, but it is important to choose healthy food.

don’t let food control you – think about what you eat. When you sit down to eat, enjoy the food. Not present. A moment of concentration to enhance your awareness of your you make food choices.

3. Limit alcohol use to

Alcohol contains notoriously rich in calories. Moderation is, of course, always good in everything, and maybe an even more important so a big change like quitting smoking.

Alcohol can make you fat, but in addition many combine drinking alcohol heavily smoking. Do you recognize this? Don’t expose yourself to temptation when you’ve been so strong, that you have decided to quit smoking. Take care of yourself.

NICORETTE® is a drug to help withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking. Contains nicotine. Read the package leaflet. Not accessible to children. When you start treatment, stop smoking completely. If you have chronic skin disease (applies only to patches), heart or blood vessel disease, you are pregnant or breast-feeding, consult your doctor. Not less than 18 years of age. Marketer McNeil, a division of Janssen-Cilag Oy. 12/2017. FI/NI/17-1455
