A long-awaited verdict against the president of the UNITED states Donald Trumps former national security advisor Michael Flynn has been postponed.

the Judgment had to be dropped late Tuesday afternoon Danish time.

flynn’s lawyers asked, however, judge Emmit Sullivan to postpone the sentencing, which he agreed to.

Flynn, the slap not, however, receive some extremely harsh words from the judge, which among other things said that Flynn “has betrayed his country”.

– I can’t hide my disgust and my contempt.

– You were an unregistered agent of another country while you served as national security adviser to the president. Thereby undermining everything that the american flag stands for, says the judge.

Flynn has admitted to have lied to the us federal bureau of investigation, FBI, on conversations with the Russian ambassador Sergey Kisljak in 2016.

He has since cooperated with the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller and müller’s team, who are investigating possible Russian interference in the presidential campaign in 2016.

In court Tuesday, it was reported that Flynn has not finished with to help the investigation. It was also the reason that the judge Emmit Sullivan agreed to postpone the sentencing.

this allows Flynn complete his cooperation before a final judgment falls.

The new date for the sentencing has not been established. However, the judge has asked flynn’s lawyer to come up with a status within 13. march.

The special prosecutor, Robert Mueller has recommended that Flynn not be awarded a sentence of imprisonment as a reward for its help in the investigation.

Donald Trump wanted early Tuesday Flynn good luck in a tweet.

Flynn was during the whole election campaign in 2016 very close to Trump.

Flynn was notorious, since he during the Republican national convention, from the podium and led the way in tilråbet “lock her up, caged her inside of Trumps democratic candidate against state Hillary Clinton.