More than four months and 70 press conferences since the parliamentary elections, Sweden remained without a government. The transitional government also lost budgetstriden, when the riksdag voted for the Conservatives and Their common budget.

the transitional government to complete the projects begun during the previous term of office. One such is that the lower the digitalmomsen, which regulates digital publications. Now, the ministry of finance submitted a legislative proposal on reduced digitalmoms on the referral.

the Idea is to support local media and journalism, which for a long time suffered financially by a variety of reasons.

– It is important to strengthen the local media the opportunity to operate and engage in journalism that actually is the foundation of a democracy, ” says minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S).

Read more: minister of Finance: Deduction can be in place in July

– This enables the local media to employ local journalists and conduct investigative journalism. But, of course, other forms of e-publication as well.

– It is exactly the reason why we are doing this now, in order not to affect the process. It shall be possible for a new government to be able to have with this in an amending budget this year. It could be in connection with the vårändringsbudgeten 2019, ” says Magdalena Andersson.

the Proposal to reduce digitalmoms have previously had a wide, blocköverskridande anchored in parliament, not least in the EU-committee in and with that this is an issue at EU level.

” We’ve been pushing it this hard in the EU and has wide support in the EUROPEAN union-the board here. It means that there are high hopes that a new government should want to implement it.

on the digital publications at 25 per cent, while vat on printed publications is located on the 6 per cent. Under the bill, which is now referred to vat on digital publications be reduced to 6% even on them.

Read more: EU countries are acting to reduce the digitalmomsen

in the Past, it has grappled with what should be defined as an electronic publication.

“There has been a concern that we will propose to the limitations that the technology must run away from, so we have chosen a different path,” says Magdalena Andersson.

A definition of what exactly is a digital publication is absent thus from the bill. Because of the rapid technological development, assesses the ministry of finance that it is ”inappropriate” to have a definition in vat law of what a digital publication is.

products that currently have a 6 per cent vat. also should have it when they are provided digitally. But it also makes it clear that it does not have to be a print counterpart to a digital publication should have the lower vat.

A range of smaller local newspapers have gone bankrupt in recent years. The latest in the line is Laholms newspaper which printed its last edition on Thursday, after nearly 90 years of publication.

the Bill is expected, if the future government adopts it in vårändringsbudgeten, enter into force on 1 July 2019. According to finance ministry forecast is expected to cost 195 million in 2019 (a halvårseffekt) and 410 million by 2020. After the expected state losing 375 million a year as a result of the reduced digitalmomsen.