the Conservatives Benjamin Dousa, Ulrica Schenström and Eva Uddén Sonnegård suggests that the parental shortened to twelve months and that all days must be taken during the child’s first year. The savings to finance an increase of the compensation to 100% of earnings (up to the current ceiling). The authors believe that the reform will make that more parents share the parental leave. Any explanation as to why it would be so is not given.

the Trio seems unaware that the Agency’s statistics show that half of the fathers don’t raise any maternity pay at all before the child’s first birthday. The small proportion of men withdrawals that occur during the first year is also often the question of ”dubbeldagar” when the mother while in receipt of maternity allowance or for short episodes with a concentration in the christmas-new year and summer time. The sad truth is their outlet for the most part is done after the kids started in kindergarten.

It would be wiser to introduce a rule which says that maternity pay may not be charged after the date of the child’s initiation into the nursery completed.

the Investigation of a modern day ( SOU 2017:101) refers to a survey which shows that parents on average think that dagisdebuten should take place when the child turned two. The report also shows that mothers and fathers are delaying the onset by a significant degree to be at home without compensation. To short parental leave from 16 to 12 months and to provide that all days must be taken in sequence, will mainly affect låginkomstfamiljernas opportunities to plan for their children’s best.

the Trio’s article suffers from a total absence of the child’s perspective. The small is viewed just as both obstacles in their career. In a ekointervju explains one of the three, Benjamin Dousa, to the parental insurance must be shortened in order to provide women with better career prospects and contribute to more women in the boards of publicly listed companies. But karriäristerna constitutes only 10-15 per cent of the labour force, and less than one per cent of the country’s men and women have a realistic opportunity to reach the highest bolagsposterna. Why should family policy be designed according to their needs?

the pre-school to contend with problems in the form of large groups, lack of trained staff and cramped facilities. The staff have higher sick-leave figures than almost all other professionals. According to statistics SWEDEN, there will about ten years to be just over 40,000 more children in the preschool years than in the day. For the smallest children costs an average förskoleplats around 150.000 sek. A nursery that can handle the early benchmarks for the number of children in the småbarnsgrupperna have to expect that the cost increases by 30 to 40 percent.

I show in the book an Equal footing – but not on man’s conditions and the children’s expense (Hjalmarson & Högberg Publishers, 2017) how family policies can be reformed in order to create gender equality without the need to go out over the children or threaten to increase the stress which is behind the current high level of sick-leave figures among women aged 30-45 years.