“Kristersson think even he becomes prime minister”

“Moderatledaren Ulf Kristersson praise the Centre party and the Liberals and still believe that he is the one that gets to put together a government.”

“And the SD leader Jimmie Åkesson can forget about a new conservative block with M, SD and the Christian democrats, according to the M-leader.”

“the Moderates are not part of such a block, said Kristersson in his christmas speech at a hotel in Stockholm, and in interviews afterwards.”

” We are simply military. And those who do not want to understand it, and those who are intimidated with or fantasizing about a new ”

“He spent a lot of time trying to embed to the Centre party and the Liberals should be able to support him in a new statsministeromröstning instead of that, that in the first vote, vote’ no ‘ to him. He is hopeful that the C and L should be able to come to a different conclusion in the future.”

” My main scenario is unashamedly to vi (M) may form the next Swedish government, and implement as much as we can of the Alliance of bourgeois policy, said M-the leader.”

“His guess, he said after the century, is that there will be no statsministeromröstning before christmas.”

“– We need to think very carefully before we take the vote three and four, for now it starts to approach the real situation, ” he says, referring to the additional elections.”

“he says He understand that many people are wondering what the Alliance is doing.”

“– We conservatives need the Alliance and I think they need us, said he in the speech and praised the Centre for environmental commitment and the Liberals ‘ emphasis on the Swedish language for such integration.”

“Anywhere he wants to form a Alliansregering, but the prospect for that seems not so good, he admits.”

“– If it is not possible so I want to form a government, perhaps, is small in the formal sense, but that right will therefore be broad and inclusive, curious and integritetsfull, says Kristersson and adds that the Conservatives will not contribute to any new type of decemberöverenskommelse.”