The motorist made a police report, because he said someone showed him the laser light in Ylöjärvi weekend.Archive video of somebody messing with the flight of a laser. Laser pointers are rarely so powerful that they can cause visual impairment, but also because of the harmless lasers can cause a hazardous situation in traffic.

the motorist by a police report, according to him they blinded with a laser on Saturday in Ylöjärvi. Inland Finland police investigates cases of abuse.

the Police informed later that the police had signed ylöjärveläinen woman whose 13-year-old boy was behind the move. The laser pointer was purchased abroad, and is now in police custody.

consumer use of the laser pointers are rarely so powerful that they can cause visual impairment, but also because of the harmless lasers can cause a hazardous situation in traffic.

Isotehoinen laser can destroy the eye

the radiation and nuclear safety authority STUK warns on their website the laser, and pointed out that it can damage the retina permanently, because the laser beam focuses on the retina an extremely small dot, which is exposed to a large amount of energy. It can burn the retina of the cells so severely that they are unable to recover.

Such injuries can cause only the most powerful laser pointers, which should not be for sale in the EU.

the STUK share of lasers volume on the basis of categories. In finland, the laser showed you where allowed laser-class has two. This category includes the lasers are low-power, and the blink reflex is considered to protect the eyes from damage such indicators light.

in the EU the seller is responsible for the laser equipment safety. Safety and chemicals agency Tukes, however, point out that many of the country purchased of the laser devices of the power there are no guarantees.

the Man pointed at a laser pointer of the doctor helicopter in 2017 and to blind the pilot momentarily. Its power exceeded that in Finland, the permissible power of 56-fold. The case describes the story at the end. The police weak laser can cause a danger to

Also within the limits allowed active laser showed the outskirts of can bring about damage.

the laser showed you where it is spoken around the world, inter alia, air transport context, for example airplane landing in the cockpit of the directed laser beam can cause a dangerous situation. Even if the laser beam would not be as damaging, it can momentarily blind a pilot if it hits directly in the eye.

Also the aircraft windscreen can spread to the laser beam so that the whole cockpit lit up like a flash of light lit up by the.

the American federal police the FBI released the 2011 United states federal aviation administration produced a video about how laser dazzles pilot.

Judgment laser feels a

new year’s day 2017 five year old man showed a 300-500 meters from FinnHems medical helicopter with a laser in Rovaniemi. BTI:no, this was a very powerful green laser, which dazzle the pilot and flight attendant momentarily.

the pilot lost sight completely for a moment.

the Chopper pilot got her sight back soon. The helicopter illuminate the floor of the house, where the beam had come and directed the police to the scene.

Lapland district court sentenced in November 2018 man of felony traffic safety being compromised, for he caused häirinnällään hazard to aviation safety.

a Man was sentenced to 70 daily fines, which means he’s on the way 2 800 euros in fines. The man confessed and has agreed to issue the owner with compensation.

the Grandstand show were several players in the club teams world cup tournament final match Bayern Munich and raja Casablanca, all between December 2013 Morocco Marrakech. Similar cases have football on several. For example, in 2014 world cup Russian goalkeeper Igor Akinfejeviä tried to interfere with a laser pointer on Algeria against played during a match.