All agree that it is a good idea with good roads, bike paths and safe cars, and that we must have a certificate before you sit behind the wheel. This is the action that works. In the 1970s killed 560 people in traffic accidents. Since there has been a steady decline, and in 2017 was the number of casualties down in the 109.

When it comes to diet, which is also important for life and health, we are in a much greater extent left to fend for ourselves. Around 7000 australians die each year as a result of livsstilssykdommer and unhealthy diets, according to figures from the ministry of Health and Global Burden of Disease. There are seven thousand deaths that could have been avoided. Unhealthy diet is the main cause of both premature death and poorer quality of life in Norway, and in the world.

Regular food is good enough at SFO Debate

91 per cent of all children, a total of 280.000 children, go in the nursery. 160.000 children are with one online or aktivitetsskolen. Here they receive daily meals. Between the ages of one to five years eat child around 3,000 meals in the nursery. The children get 50 per cent of the daily energy intake here. The fact is that the future public health is built precisely in the kindergarten and SFO.

Why all the hassle? Almost 20 per cent of Norwegian children are overweight or obese, it gives a poor starting point for adulthood. Good dietary habits need to be established in early childhood years. The diet the early years lays the foundation for health later in life. Healthy and good food is therefore a necessity.

then, When the community adds up to is that both parents must be out of the job, so that children already from the ettårsalder be taken care of by other caregivers most of the day, is not diet longer just a privatsak and the responsibility of the parents. It has also become a social responsibility.

the Right to be right. the Government is fully aware of the challenges. The ministry of health has created guidelines that describe how their meals in the nursery and in the SFO/AKS to be put together. It’s about following the kostrådene, eat more fruit and vegetables, more wholegrain cereal products, more fish and less processed meats. The guidelines are specific and clear.

Requires washing after the hot dog and macaroni-overdose

the Problem is that they are too little known, and is not followed. We don’t think this is about resentment, but about a need for increased knowledge and tools that works in a practical everyday life.

In 2017, NRK Sørlandet SFO-the food in the three coastal municipalities such. In Farsund, it was not bought in a single fish products in the course of the entire 2016. On the largest SFO-one in Kristiansand was the same year bought the 196 packages of sausages, and stusslige two packages of salmon fillet.

the Findings were disheartening, and is confirmed by two recent reports from the Consumer and the Cost – and ernæringsforbundet. find the same. There is little fruit and vegetables in the kindergarten and SFO. Fish is almost absent. Mattilbudet is based on the simplest solutions. It is a smooth and begredelig power of posesupper, hot dogs and macaroni.

all discussions about the meals comes the argument about the well-being and måltidsglede. We should not underestimate måltidsglede, but the most important thing is that the food is healthy. It is the easiest thing in the world to delight the children with food, it is only to set before the chocolate spread and sausages. But the kindergarten and SFO may not serve their children anything, regardless of whether it is in the private or public auspices.

There are kindergartens and SFO that have a good and varied cuisine. Private kindergartens are often located far ahead, because the owners have an overall focus on just two meals. Throughout the country we find places where the pots are treated with care, where the staff goes to great lengths for their children to get a good and healthy meal. Places where the small bodies get the energy they need for life, play and learning.

Private luksusbarnehager have their own cook, others will not get the vegetables on the table

the Problem is that between the high peaks are deep and long valleys. There are large differences between public and private. There are differences from municipality to municipality. Even internally in a kindergarten it may be different from offers from department to department. A lot depends on the enthusiasts with a personal interest in food. But when the enthusiast will disappear, will offer inferior. Such coincidences can we not live with.

Instinctively one thinks that this is all about the money. Healthy raw materials costs generally more than unhealthy, and it is limited in the nursery or SFO-one can afford to buy. But it’s also about the knowledge of how to put together a healthy diet. It requires knowledge of how to prepare food for many. Not least, require consciousness.

the local politicians can, of course, hope that the guidelines for the diet to be followed in all the municipality’s kindergartens and SFO. They can hope that the staff on its own initiative, reading up on nutrition programs and cooking recipes. They can hope that staff will guess until the municipality’s level of ambition. May the politicians make it. Anchoring in the kommuneledelsen is a start. Food and måltidspolitikk is the tool.

This sounded like a crackling dry plandokument, but in reality the food and måltidspolitikk an invaluable and lush instrument, a prerequisite for a tasty and varied food supply for the youngest. In Sweden, two of the three municipalities adopted such a policy, drawn up in cooperation between the kommuneledelse, professionals and politicians. It is the link between policy and practice.

There is no answer key on how detailed such a document should be. The point is that the local politicians have the responsibility for kindergartens and SFO. Then they should have a conscious relationship to the food that is served there. We have to stop hoping that the children eat a little healthier. We must help to ensure that it actually happens, every day, and for all children. The health of the youngest is too important to be left to chance.