The speech of Greta Thunberg took only a little more than three minutes, but they went around the world. At the weekend the 15-Year-old turned to the world climate summit with a clear text to the Public is: “to talk you’re Mature enough, clear text,” she said. And: “you say you love your children more than anything. And yet, you steal their future, right before your eyes.” The sits – according to the appearance of a student went viral. Big media portals showed their speech, the Twitter audience cheered the courage of the young activist.

But critics and climate change deniers foamed whether the impressive presence of the young woman, also in Switzerland. The Text of your speech must have written some “crazy adult”, tweeted Journalist Florian Schwab, a contrast to their “ideological blindness could” not explain. And the German politician Frauke Petri foamed: “so This is the scientific level of the debate on climate change in 2018. A 15-year-old Swede, playing hooky every Friday the school, but to know more thinks than a thousand scientists. Infantil!”

it remains Unclear what the critic sucks so cruel. The more clearly your ideological Agenda: the denial of climate change. Firstly, thurnberg is far more than a school schwänzerin. For years she has worked intensively with climate change – of the school, she stayed away in Protest. At the climate summit, she was invited as an activist and not as a scientist, as Mrs. Petry. This is also necessary because climate change is a broad scientific consensus could not be clearer: If we don’t act, it ends in disaster. There is hardly a child who would, given this perspective, it is extra to the care of the planet stop. Unless it was indoctrinated by climate deniers.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 18.12.2018, 09:28 PM