Statistics finland’s publication on Tuesday of its statistics by the police, customs and the border guard’s record of crimes and violations in the year 2018. Authorities have a lot of work of them. Stock. Jenni GÃĪstgivar

according to Statistics finland according to recent statistics from the authorities came in January-September 2018 total 639 000 crimes and offences, which in its entirety is 3.5% less than in 2017.

according to Recent statistics on sexual offences the number rose to 16.6 per cent. Rape the knowledge of the authorities became 6.1 per cent more and the sexual afflictions of 26.1 per cent more than the previous year’s corresponding term.

rape crimes monthly to the years 2016-2018. Statistics

Also the cases of drunken driving were recorded in the previous year. In all cases of drunken driving come to the knowledge of the authorities 14 200 copies, which is six percent more than the year 2017. Aggravated duis of these was 40 per cent. According to statistics in 2013 of aggravated rattijuopumusten accounted for more than half.

the number of narcotics offences increased by 4.6% compared to the previous year. Overall, drug-related crimes were recorded in authority data 21 700. Drug use crimes came to light 14 400, which is 12.9% more than the year 2017.

endangerment of traffic safety, aggravated endangerment of traffic safety, traffic exhaust on the road as well as other traffic violations came to light a total of 349 900. This is 17 500 cases, i.e. 4.8% less than in the previous year in the same term.

the case of the modified clock 09.53: Added information about drug crimes and traffic violations. Fixed a typo in the first paragraph.