“Löfven: the crisis in government inhibit law enforcement”

“Prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) is concerned that the fight against crime is hampered by a crisis of government.”

“– We must have a government in place as quickly as possible, ” he says.”

“the Number of shooting deaths in Sweden reached in the weekend, a new all-time high when a man was shot dead in Enskede in southern Stockholm. It is the 44:e dödsoffret in a shooting this year, according to SVT News. The previous peak from last year was 43.”

“It’s terrible,” says Löfven.”

“He is pointing to his government throughout the last mandate, has worked to increase the penalties and give police more resources.”

“– It must continue, obviously. This is why we need to go ahead with the serial data, and data storage and other operations, so the police have the resources and the best tools that it is actually need, ” says Löfven.”

“He also points to the importance of putting a stop to the recruitment into criminal gangs and accuse the Moderates (M), the Christian democrats (KD) and The sweden democrats (SD) to make it work. Löfven aims of the three parties voted down the government’s transitional budget for the benefit of M and KD’s budgetreservation.”

“– We had in our budget money to reduce unemployment, to fix up the vulnerable areas, improving the schools in the most vulnerable areas. The money raised is actually moderate-kd-sd the budget away, ” says Löfven.”

” It is very serious for it must to a stop by the new recruit.”

“the Conservatives Tomas Tobé call Löfvens statement too much.”

“– He has had four years to do something about the situation. The government is losing control over the most vulnerable areas, ” he says and continues:”

“– Thanks to the bourgeois, the budget becomes the major resurssatsningar on the police in the here and now. We have to regain control in the most vulnerable areas, it can’t solve with the school and the social workers.”

“the Police left recently submitted a list to the department of justice with requests for action needed to combat gängkriminaliteten in the vulnerable areas.”

“In the letter is that the development when it comes to public order and security, which is”

“When it comes to the police’s own wishlist among other things, is to be able to do a search in the well-known criminal environments without a reasonable suspicion of a concrete offence.”

“the Police would also investigate the possibility to create prohibition and visitationszoner where certain persons may be prohibited from staying and where searches can be carried out without reasonable suspicion of a crime.”

“On the wish list is also the opportunity to be able to look at people through the camera remotely, and better opportunities to collect, store and use dna, photo and fingerprints, as well as further tightening of vapenlagstiftningen.”

“the Police think it is also good to remove the straffrabatten for young offenders.”

“Much legislative work is now down because of the fact that Sweden has not yet received a new government. In October, stressed the minister of justice Morgan Johansson (S) for the TT that he has a long series of proposals that are waiting for that ”

“Among the propositions that Johansson had promised out already in september there was data storage and enhanced straffregler what comes to murder.”

“the Parliament are also waiting for a proposal to prohibit the participation in and affiliation with terrorist organizations.”

TT: it Is not serious to work with lagskärpningar is down now?”

“– That is why we must have a government in place as quickly as possible, ” says Löfven.”

“– the interim government is unable to act, but it is clear that we want a government in place as quickly as possible to continue the act.”