Ninove Open Vld is not able to N-VA around the table to get to a bestuursmeerderheid to form in Ninove. This is a board without Forza Ninove as good as excluded. A coalition between the Open Vld, Together and N-VA was the only option without Forza of Guy D’haeseleer to govern with a majority.

Open Vld had Forza Ninove, with 40 percent of the votes the biggest party, the time left until 1 december to a new bestuursmeerderheid to form. But nobody wants to be with the Forza Ninove work together, making the situation since the elections of 14 October sure was.

at the Beginning of december took Open Vld as a second party to have the initiative. The liberals sent on december 6, an invitation to both Together as the N-VA. To a majority of seats, to achieve the Open Vld, both parties need. Went in on the invitation for a conversation, but with the N-VA is not even a call came. the

“We had the invitation to both parties and asked if they were willing to engage in dialogue, how they feel about various important policy issues are and what projects they have in the next legislature absolutely realized, want to see”, said mayor Tania Young (Open Vld). Her party already had an introductory memorandum developed as the basis for the start of the negotiations.