“Today’s ruling does not mean that it is free for tiggeriförbud”

“the Supreme court gave Vellinge right.”

“But it does not mean that it is free for the municipalities to introduce the general tiggeriförbud.”

“I suspect that today’s ruling of the Supreme administrative court something surprises Vellinges leading politicians.”

“the Municipality has previously received the thumbs down for their wish locally tiggeriförbud of the county administrative board, the administrative court and the administrative court of appeal on the grounds that it failed to show that begging disturbs the public order.”

“And already the fact that the supreme judges chose to take up the matter, did moderate kommunstyrelseordförande Carina Wutzler ”pleasantly surprised”.”

“the Supreme administrative court has taken to its main task, to create guiding decisions, seriously.”

“the Judges have come down in ordningslagens preparatory work and discovered that there’s a directory of the substances that may be regulated locally. (For other wise by the legislature, then the need for regulations vary between localities, and the development of society makes it you have to deal with today maybe obsolete tomorrow).”

“The notes, then to the committee on justice recently ruled that it is possible to regulate begging by local police regulations.”

“When this grundjobb is done transitioning the court to try the case itself. Is Vellinges ban too far and put unnecessary constraints on the public?”

“No, this ban has a narrow geographical scope and is not unduly far-reaching.”

“But it is not completely obvious that begging is different from, for example, the collection with the gun to charity, which in Vellinge, sweden must apply for a permit. “

“the Court considers, however, that the municipality in its provision sufficiently clear indication of what the ban is all about.”

“And the supreme administrative court does not agree with the underinstanserna that the municipality must show that beggary disturb public order.”

“Now I’m not an expert on the police or the local government act, but the judgment makes a reasonable impression. “

“That Vellinge got the green light, will be of interest to other municipalities that go in the similar thoughts.”

” But today’s announcement does not mean that it is free to totalporta beggar. It is stated with all desirable clarity that the ban only applies to the defined and specified places.”

“How will then the judgment to influence the debate on national tiggeriförbud? The moderates and The sweden democrats are for such legislation, the democrats have wavered back and forth, the other parties to say no.”

“It goes from today to argue that it is sufficient with the local ban. The probability that The slopes are, however, only slightly greater than that Elvis rose again.”

“neither the Conservatives, who have argued that it should be the state and not the municipalities’ responsibility to do something about beggary, learn to change themselves. Not least given that most municipalities have shown interest in the issue.”

“The fundamentally moral question of whether it should be allowed or not for a person in distress to stretch out a hand and ask a fellow human for help should have an obvious answer.”

“But the debate learn to live on. Similarly, the resistance to the begging. Better than that is not our time. “