The CDU party Congress is over, a week – but it seems that the competition of the candidates is ongoing. The decision on the chairmanship, according to Angela Merkel – but also about the leadership? Still not.

This is because of the Losing, Friedrich Merz, flitting through the thoughts of the party. Including all that call themselves conservative and disappointed that none of the moderate course. That is exactly why the political-received-dropouts at the time of his return, more votes than he had earned. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer had to really bring everything out into the field to win with 17 votes above the absolute majority. A victory over the rival view of what conservative-ISM in those times was not the. Now it is clear.

However, Merz has contributed in a way to his defeat, had so no one expected of him. He has made mistakes in the Personal, and where not to, he remained content guilty, to which the members and, in the end, the delegates would have been able to hold on to. For this to be comparatively strong, and the result is amazing – and worth thinking. The desire of a Post-Merkel time is so much more than what was missing. And Merz was her fixed point.

He still is. Because the new Chairman has, in turn, made directly after the election error. You had the Chance, Merz and the other candidates, Jens Spahn, with a great gesture – by both proposed immediately after the decision to deputies, the two single. No consideration to proportional representation and other tactics, but the party decided to move forward – and the delegates would be followed.

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What to order, you would have to do otherwise? The new Chairman disavow such a way that the right back would have to retire, can kidney? Never. The agreement would secure. The re-elected deputies would have been cancelled as members of the Bureau.

in addition, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, would check Friedrich Merz to literally open stage, for which his heart beats. You would have given him the responsibility for the election campaign in the East, he declared that it was so important to attach to. And for a new economic concept in times of improving economic activity. All of this – but nothing happened. The Chance passed.

And now? Remains the thought of what would have been, if… if Merz has more than a revenge driven for the time that he self-selected “out there”, then the party can form the chair, still a panel of advisors from those that used to be the Conservative-represented. This is a good Council of Saxony-Anhaltiners Reiner Haseloff. And, you can. in the case of what is to come, namely a Cabinet reshuffle, the Chairman of the Atlantic bridge office applications, which takes account of this, the citizens of the world, and Conservatives: the Minister of defense

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After the defeat of the Congress What is the future of Friedrich Merz of the CDU?

Robert pear

the new CDU-Chairman does not use your chances, you can be the next year for you in all the coming elections already decisive. Friedrich Merz has not disappeared from the thoughts since the party.