The Bicycle traffic in Berlin is booming: The 17 permanent Counting points in the road network registered since the beginning of the year – until last Friday – a total of almost 21 million cyclists. This represents an increase of 8.9 percent compared to the same period of 2017. In 15 of the 17 Points the Numbers have increased; the exceptions are the Berlin street near the train station Pankow (minus 9 percent) and Frankfurter Allee (minus 8 percent), whereby it is conceivable that construction works have influenced in the vicinity of the counts there. This should be so, would be the real city-wide growth is still significantly greater.

The top of the upper tree bridge, on the Asphalt of the two cycle lanes embedded Sensors detected more than 3.6 million bicycles. The Sensors are designed so that you can distinguish bicycles from motorcycles and cars. The second place goes with nearly three million bicycles, as in the previous year to the Jannowitzbrücke. Thus, the two busiest Places on each of 14 percent growth within a year’s time.

bikes rolled in Five-second intervals over the Spree

on average, about 3550 cyclists passed by daily counting stations. How big the margin is, show the extreme days: only 1719 bikes over the upper tree bridge, rolled on new year’s day in 2018, while in the 25. May – a 27-degree warm Friday – more than ten Times as many were, namely 18.324. Mathematically this means that the Bicycle rolled on that day, including the night hours in Five-second intervals over the Spree between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg.

in addition, the Counting stations provide information about how much of the Cycling with the weather: In the summer months, so much going on is about twice to three Times as in the Winter. The greatest heat seem hardly to be someone from the Cycle, while the cold makes itself clearly noticeable: unlike in previous years, was in the – at times March los icy – even just as little as in January. In the week after Easter, as it was after a late Frost quite suddenly hot, the Numbers steeply upward and held up to a Sunny and mild November, beginning on a remarkable level.

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For a long-term comparison, the Figures are only to a very limited extent, because the latest Counting machines only went into operation in 2016. Before that was counted more than 20 years manually. A year ago, the Senate had communicated to a parliamentary question that the Bicycle traffic has increased from 2007 to 2016 to 36 percent. The Basis for this assessment counts were on each day of the month from 7 to 19 o’clock.
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