the Man in the 60-years, who in June was arrested in Oslo and charged with having ordered the murder of his own wife in Pakistan, sitting still ” I. At the end of november, the man was decided the jail in six weeks. But in parallel with that he sits behind fengselsmurene in Norway, went to the Norwegian police even to Pakistan and the city of Lahore where the murder took place.

We came back from Pakistan on Thursday, where the Norwegian police now have investigated several criminal offences in connection with the case. Including the killing of siktedes spouse, attempted murder of two people and drapsforbund against a person, tells politiadvokat Sturla Henriksbø to the Newspaper.

After ten days in the south-asian country sits the police again with what he described as several interesting information. The allegation against the charged pakistaneren, who have lived for decades in Norway and is married to another woman here, according to the police, now enhanced for several of the records he is charged with.

Interrogated the children

It was in 2006 that the man went to Pakistan to marry the woman who now is slain. Together they had two children. These have the Norwegian police now been in contact with.

– A tyvetalls witnesses are questioned, including siktedes two minor children through structured questioning. I will denote the evidence we have found in the Pakistan as a significant added value to the investigation, ” says Henriksbø.

press CONFERENCE: Oslo police hold a press conference in connection with that a Norwegian citizen is arrested for bestillingsdrap of the spouse in Pakistan. Video: NTB Scanpix Show more

Politiadvokaten says that the Norwegian police have received good assistance from their pakistani counterparts along the way in the investigation. He emphasizes, however, that the interrogations they have now done abroad is carried out exclusively by the Norwegian police.

In addition to siktedes children are several family members and acquaintances of the man being questioned. It is also the man who should have been hired that assassin to take the life of his wife, and who worked that should have worked as a security guard when the murder took place.

the Shooter has been in custody since the murder. It is an ongoing process against him, and we interrogated him in prison in Pakistan, tells politiadvokaten.

– Prevented multiple kills

According to the Henriksbø have the Norwegian police also disclosed in the pakistani investigation and access to the seizures that are made there, including the murder weapon that was used to take the life of osloboerens wife. It is also collected information about the siktedes phone contact with Pakistan and banking facilities.

– This we must analyze, and the case is set to be fully investigated in the course of half a year’s time. Probably will Norwegian police conduct even a trip to Pakistan, says Henriksbø.

Norwegian police went to Bosnia to investigate a double kill:
– Incomprehensible use of resources

Also the last two drapsforsøkene that was conducted in Pakistan to have been against the family members of the man, and the Norwegian police should have investigated the case for over a year before they went to action. According to the police sought the defendant to get the other to take the life of two of his svogere. Seiner, it should also have been planned enough a murder, in a pakistani lawyer or account.

He should have had contact with two other people about killing these – then beat the Norwegian police after what had been a prolonged investigation against the man. We chose to end action and apprehend him in June, and believe that we through this have prevented several deaths, says Henriksbø.

Refuses straffskyld

the Man’s defender, lawyer Øystein Storrvik, says to Dagbladet that his client still refuses straffskyld for the points in the indictment.

He makes himself totally rejected the charges. At the same time he provides over the loss of his wife. It is a very heavy situation – he grieves over having lost his wife, and at the same time, he is accused of having taken the life of her. She and their children lived in Pakistan, and there was talk about preparing that they should come to Norway. Instead, this happens, ” says the lawyer.

Man in the 60-years charged with having ordered the killing of his own wife