The brilliance of the comet is expected to be Monday 17. 12. after.Comet 46P/Wirtanen shows in Finland in the sky christmas. The tail is, however, difficult to detect with the naked eye. Alan C. Tough / Ursa

Christmas is worth in the evenings looking at the sky. The last time the comet may have been observed in Finland in the sky with the naked eye in 2015.

Now it’s possible again, for this coming Monday (17.12.) after the stars should appear green utupallo.

Coincidence or not, it’s called comet Wirtanen.

the Comet is named for its find. The american astronomer Carl A. Wirtanen discovered it in 1950. Wirtasella was a Finnish family roots.

the Comet also known as comet 46P/Wirtanen. In other words, the comet’s tail is is a two-piece tail, but it is so dim that it is able to see likely just from photos.

the astronomical association Ursa expert Veikko Mäkelä keep Wirtanen particularly interesting, therefore, that it would bypass the Country’s exceptionally close, only about 30 Earth-Moon distance.

Ursa spokesman Anne Liljeström said that through the binoculars to see the functions of comets spotted in the Finnish sky every year.

in Recent years, however, has not been really spectacular comet, which wouldn’t have to go looking for heaven, Liljeström added.

the Moon interferes with the view of

– Wirtanen looks to the naked eye dull and blurry, quite equal to the light-rock, Mäkelä said the Ursa release.

on Monday 17. December Wirtanen is expected to be brilliance, when it is just passing Seulasia.

the tail of the star can be detected in the career of according to the instantly once the Moon sets, i.e. at about 1.30 in the morning.

the Growing Moon, however, interferes with the Wirtanen detection-up to christmas. Ursa is therefore recommended that the comet is worth a look again on boxing day early evening, before the Moon rose.

the Best weather the tail of the star appears which is bright and snowless night.

Wirtanen is, however, too easily noticeable that it is able to spot the basic binoculars.

to Illustrate the star map image Wirtanen birding. Ursa / Veikko Mäkelä