Mick Mulvaney that Saturday by US president Donald Trump was appointed chief of staff ad interim, has his boss two years ago, “a terrible man”. The ultraconservatief did that during a debate in the run-up to the presidential elections of 2016.

“Yes, I support Donald Trump in spite of the fact that I was giving him a terrible man to find,” said Mulvaney, literally. The statement was captured on video. The former Republican congressman, was asked for a reaction after the reveal of images from 2005 in which Trump grappend says that he “women in their vagina grabs’, the conscious ‘grab them by the pussy” statement.

Read also After a long search, finds Trump in ultraconservatief Mick Mulvaney new chief of staff

Mulvaney is now still active as a director of the management and budgetbureau of the White House. A spokeswoman for the budgetbureau says across the New York Times that the ruling, from a time dating back to in which Mulvaney and Trump still didn’t know. “Mr. Mulvaney respects the president, and his sympathy for him has grown,” said the zegsvrouw. The White House has not yet responded. Mulvaney starts in January and replaces John Kelly, who earlier this month ordered to stop. The chief of staff is sometimes the most powerful figure in the White House called.