“Continued violation on the climate summit”

“the UN climate conference in Katowice, Poland can be on your way towards an end – but the end battles countries on certain issues.”

“throughout the night on Saturday and all of Saturday, negotiations have been going on about the controversial issues. New end credits from the Polish presidency to be discussed for the moment in the different groups.”

“It is now said that one should finish the whole meeting forward the clock 15, but if you can cope with this remains to be seen.”

“– it All depends on if the texts which are left out can be approved directly by the countries, ” says Jakob Lundgren, the press secretary of the klimatminister Isabella Lövin.”

“According to many analysts, it seems, however, that the countries managed to agree on some critical points.”

“the Purpose of the meeting is to agree on a common regulatory framework for the paris agreement, the international agreement on climate change which the world agreed on in 2015.”

“the Rules to control the countries and to be an assurance that they will do what they say they do when it comes to emission reductions.”

“Everything is very technical, but is essential in order for the agreement to work. Otherwise, nobody knows if the countries are comparable.”

“An important requirement is that the process should be transparent – and it does actually appear that much progress has been made at this point and able to agree on the principles.”

“by Contrast, many developing countries were disappointed as regards the issue of compensation for the damage caused by climate change. They want to have crisp wording at this point – which they have not yet received.”

“another stumbling block concerns how flexible the agreement shall be regarding u countries utsläppsrapportering. Many of these countries do not think one can ask the same reporting requirements on them as on the rich countries. This is a problem because the countries ‘ emissions must be comparable.”

“Another stumbling block is the question of how to make out with koldioxidhandeln, that is to say, the emissions trading scheme. This has always been complicated – and it now seems as if the issue simply moved over to the next climate summit.”

“A center of controversy is how the new report from the UN intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) of 1.5-gradersmålet shall be treated in the text. The united states, Russia, saudi Arabia and Kuwait have refused to approve a wording where the report ”

“A lot of controversy at the meeting in Katowice regard to the special report on the 1.5-degree target that the UN’s intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) put forward in October of this year.”

“the Report describes the effects of a warming of 1.5 degrees and the emission reductions that would be needed to limit global warming to such a level.”

“this report compares The risks with 1.5 ° c compared to a warming of 2.0 degrees. According to the authors, differences are likely to be significant, with far more serious consequences if the temperature is allowed to rise to 2.0 degrees.”

“It’s relatively well known that China stands for the absolute terms of carbon dioxide emissions, with the USA in second place and EUROPE in third. But when it comes to per capita emissions are the numbers different. Countries with the greatest carbon dioxide emissions in 2017:”

“– China, 10,92 billion tonnes.”

“the Same countries’ per capita emissions:”

“– China, 7,71 tonnes per personu002Får.”

“The biggest emissions per capita, Qatar, 38, 52 tonnes per person per year. Sweden’s per capita emissions are 4,54 tonnes per person per year.”

“Source: Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.”