The 41-year-old woman convicted of a united district court to 5.5 years in prison, partly to have hired other persons to commit the crime and to having helped out in various ways, including by releasing three masked men in her husband’s property in the south of Stockholm.

Her husband, who wanted to be separated, was subjected to serious violence and serious threats in order to force him to withdraw her application for divorce. The three men beat him, burned him under the feet and on the neck with a firelighter and threatened to snip off his fingers with a pair of pliers. Under the right tried to the masked men also get him to send back the woman’s gold to her, and at the same time, the force of him, money and other property.

three other persons for abetting the crimes. It comes to the woman’s older sister and her father, and a young man who claimed to be one of the hired persons. According to the district court to have the evidence against them was not sufficient for any of them to be judged.

the 41-year-old has denied the offences and myself notified the husband for ill-treatment. The investigation has been closed, but the woman has requested a review of the decision.

that the woman is överbevisad and condemning her against her denial. Rånbrottet has consisted in the theft of cash and other property that the man had at home. Woman is sentenced for unlawful coercion, therefore, that the man through violence and threats in the dwelling were forced to both return the woman’s gold and to write in a withdrawal of their application for divorce. As the three masked perpetrators on her behalf in addition tried to press him on greater amount that would be given at a later occasion is sentenced she also utpressningsförsök.

the district Court considers the offences serious.

in order to also have threatened the man on a previous occasion. She has also been sentenced to pay damages to the man with the amount he has requested, 156.210 crowns.

the Man has been caught by surprise in his home by three masked persons who, taped, beaten, kicked and burned him.

” the Man has been caught by surprise in his home by three masked persons who, taped, beaten, kicked and burned him. The threats have been directed against both him and his children, which in and of itself was at another location. The threats have been reinforced by what he has perceived as a real weapon. He feared for both their own and their children’s lives. He has been hit hard, physically but especially mentally, of the event ” says the president of the court, chefsrådmannen Erica Hemtke in a press release.

the motive for the crimes has been both a honour and economic. The prosecution has argued that the woman wanted to avoid divorce because it would damage her family’s honour, something that both the woman and her family members deny in the hearing. The district court has not been able to come to any certain conclusion in the matter of the alleged hedersmotivet.

– the Woman has in various ways wanted to prevent the divorce. There is information in the investigation indicating a possible hedersmotiv, but the investigation is inconsistent and the picture is not clear on the point. The triggering factor seems to have been the man’s disposal of the woman’s gold. The district court’s conclusion is that the woman has been driven by economic motives with a strong desire to not be deprived of the gold or money and other things that she seemed to have the right to, ” says Erica Hemtke.