It feels a little like Déjà-vu. The Bundestag discussed on Friday just about attracting top researchers, as the AfD decides to revenge. The group wants revenge, a day earlier, Mariana Harder-Kühnel, which was rejected AfD candidate for the office of the Bundestag, Vice-President, and for the second Time. Attack them, therefore, by a parliamentary Trick. “Please, Mr. brown, what’s up?”, Bundestag Vice-President Petra Pau, asks the parliamentary Secretary of the AfD group, has reported. “The AfD group, the decision-making ability of the Parliament to doubt,” says the and looks, seemingly contrite. However, the AfD has provoked a so-called mutton jump.

at the beginning of the year, there had been a similar action. At the time, their candidate was not elected for the Parliamentary control panel. Late in the evening, the AfD doubted that enough members were present to make the Bundestag to form a quorum. This meant all members had to leave for the vote, the chamber, and through a door, above which “Yes”, “no” or “abstention” is, come back inside. It was not only matched, but also at the same time counted as many of the members there. Thus, the Bundestag has a quorum must be at least half of the deputies in attendance – 355. At that time, there were too few of them, although some more deputies were rushed to the scene. The meeting had to be canceled, the AfD celebrated the successful action.

AfD not not be taking part in the vote

But this time it works and the attacks, although the AfD is yet another Trick. While the other members left the room, quickly colleagues brought the phone and then come back in, the ranks of the AfD group is empty. The Phoenix-Moderator is audibly irritated. “The deeper meaning of this measure is not available to me,” he says. Many members of the other groups taking pictures of the empty chairs of the AfD. The purpose is actually clear: If the AfD is a lack of members, it tends to happen is that the Bundestag is a quorum.

But then Bundestag Vice-President Petra Pau announces the result. “Votes cast 414”, she says. So much applause is rare in the Bundestag. The groups clapping, there are even whistles. The Bundestag is a quorum, the action of the AfD is backfired. As the AfD members come back in here, there are Boos. And then, after Pau has to read the entire result, the members of the other groups, and applaud themselves.

On Twitter, the dispute continues. “More contempt for the Parliament. Since you should not be surprised, seriously, that the other groups will choose you to the Bureau?! Embarrassing. Disgusting“ tweets of the FDP’s Deputy Benjamin Strasser. Also others are angry that the AfD proposes a vote, and then stay away. AfD Leader Alexander Gauland, not Twitter itself, is issuing a press release. In it, he criticized the Non-selection of Harder-Kühnel. And explains: “The old parties treat us like enemies and not as political opponents. For this, we have to bear all the consequences. Who does not want to hear, must feel.“ Apparently, there might be so in the future, more such actions.

Must not reject the other groups, the AfD candidate?

as absurd As this all sounds, the Background is serious. In fact, there is a controversy about whether it is legitimate, that the other groups are Harder-have not chosen Kühnel to Bundestag Vice-President. You create the less the candidate themselves, rather than with their party – and their staff. There is, for example, called party leader Gauland, who described the Nazi era as “bird shit”. And Harder-Kühnel, as Bundestag Vice President, can clearly have an influence: then they would lead the sessions of the Bundestag and could distribute order call or not. It is unlikely that she calls her own party colleagues for radical Expressions. However, a Bundestag Vice-President post to each group. And the AfD can play, if their candidates are not elected, as a victim.

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mutton jump in the Bundestag What the AfD with their “rematch” wanted to achieve

Maria Fiedler

With your two mutton jumps and wanted to show the AfD, the members of the Bundestag also in other respects: The right-wing populists like to convey the impression that the other groups are lazy and would to participate a little to the Bundestag debates. Only you, the AfD, is a notable exception. The AfD has already noticed yourself, that she has maneuvered itself in a quandary. In the parliamentary operation, it is difficult, in all the debates, so that often only the professional politicians in the chamber. You can find bad. But the AfD is sitting in a glass house: again and again their ranks are occupied only sparsely. According to a report of the ARD-MAGAZIN Kontraste AfD – and Left-politicians are missing at the roll-call votes.