‘Stop the demolition immediately!’

on Thursday morning, there was the time in the demolition of a more than 130-year-old, grade ii listed chimney, but thanks to a group of outraged citizens came technical and environmental administration in the Copenhagen Municipality out quickly and put a stop to the demolition.

The now former 31 metre high chimney is located in the middle of it, which once housed Slagtergårdene in the area, as well as a majority of the politicians in the Copenhagen Municipality in 2017, decided to tear down and do new construction.

the Management was contacted by a number of surprised and angry residents, who filmed and took pictures of the demolition and contacted both the municipality and the police.

Therefore, sent a written strakspåbud to the owner Jesper Reinhardt, who is a director in the real estate company Enghaven A/S.

the Management explains the reasons in a written reply to Ekstra Bladet:

’the technical and environmental committee today has been in dialogue with the owner of the property on Enghavevej 12 and issued a so-called immediate injunction to immediately halt the work to dismantle the chimney, since the demolition is not lawful’, sounds it in an email.

Within the municipality were summoned reached the demolition to stand on in a few hours, after which the police according to the Vesterbro Magazine showed up and stopped it.

the Decision to tear the old buildings down was in his time also arouses strong feelings of the residents in the area surrounding the Slagtergårdene, which is listed in the 1860’ies.

the Reactions to the demolition of the old, industrial chimney are therefore also angry and stir in the Facebook group ‘Keep Slagtergårdene in Vesterbro: Vesterbro’s cultural Heritage’

The sudden demolition of the chimney astounds administrator of the group Jens Peter Henningsen.

– It is surprising, because the chimney is the only thing that has been allowed to stand after Slagtergårdene has been torn down. It is a memory from the time when småindustrien started outside of Copenhagen.

We are outraged. Of course, we are angry about it here. Throughout this process about the destruction of the Slagtergårdene we have been ignored by the Municipality of Copenhagen, says Jens Peter Henningsen to Ekstra Bladet.

technical and environmental committee will provide to Ekstra Bladet, Jesper Reinhardt has applied for dispensation to be allowed to remove 11 metres of skortstenen. But the application is not yet finalised.

Ask the administrator for Facebookgruppen ‘Preserve Slagtergårdene on Vesterbro Jens Peter Henningsen reflects the already started demolition, Jesper Reinhardt ‘apparently is a little don’t care’ with the listed skortsten.

– A fine of 30 to 40.000 thousands of dollars, or how much it will be for it here straksforbud, it is peanuts in relation to a building, up to 250 million dollars in revenue, ” says Jens Peter Henningsen to Ekstra Bladet.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from the owner Jesper Reinholdt, but it has not been possible.

According to the director of the Normann & Petersen Decomposition A/S Arne Pedersen, who stands for the demolition of the Slagtergårdene the company has just done, what they have been told.

– I do only that, I got the message from bygrådgiveren. If he asks me something, so I say a price, and so we put the work in time.

– It is fatal to the chimney. It is, therefore, we started to tear it down, ” says Arne Pedersen to Ekstra Bladet.

Arne Pedersen tells that his staff was asked by the management to fix the chimney, so it was not skewed in one side, but to the demolition, of course, was stopped after the injunction came the company for pennies.