“hot time” has been voted the German word of the year 2018. The society for German language (GfdS) announced on Friday. The term does not circumscribe only the extremes of summer, but refer also to the climate change .

Also Hot was “” with the phonetic Similarity to “ice age” is an interesting word-formation, was the opinion of the language experts in Wiesbaden.

In the second place, the Jury chose “mobile Republic”. At the latest since the German election campaign in 2017, the part of bad coverage with mobile radio on Land is a political issue.

Behind the term “anchor centers” – according to the experts, a kind of acronym, a word formed from the initial letters or syllables of other words. “Anchor” is not available for security à la “anchor”, but is made up of the initial letters of several words: (the future), k(ommunale distribution), E(decision) and R(ückführung). These are the tasks to fulfill these centres combined.

On the fourth place, it managed a whole sentence: Under the Slogan “We are more,” responded a wide Public to a right-wing rally with the xenophobic Attacks in Chemnitz, Germany, this summer.

Seehofer several times on the list

With the “criminal citations” to rank five of which relate to speech scientists on the case, Maassen. The dispute over the Ex-protection of the Constitution CEO Hans-Georg Maassen brought the Grand coalition in Berlin to the brink of collapse.

According to Maassens controversial opinions on the events in Chemnitz, Germany, wanted to interior Minister Horst Seehofer appoint him originally to the Secretary of state in the Ministry of the interior – what would formally have been a promotion. In the meantime, Maassen was sent into temporary retirement.

On the places six to nine, the Jury chose “care robots”, “Diesel-driving ban”, “trade war” and “Brexit-Chaos”. Last in the list is the mother of all problems “” – a Manifestation of Seehofer on the refugee question.

The GfdS chose 1971 for the first time, a word of the year. The company comes to terms, which have determined the political, economic and social life of language in a particular way.

the word Which won in Switzerland?

In Switzerland, has not made climate change is the nerve of the population, but the “double eagle” – the word of the year in German-speaking Switzerland. In the Italian part of Switzerland, the gesture of the double-headed eagle, “gesto dell’aquila” made the race.

Interestingly, the French part of Switzerland, moving to something quite Different: “charge mentale”, a mental burden.


Created: 14.12.2018, 11:21 PM