Donald Trump could his make son-in-law and Advisor to Jared Kushner to be the new chief of staff in the White house. The 37-year-old husband Trumps daughter Ivanka was the successor to the outgoing chief of staff John Kelly in the shortlist, reported on Thursday first, the “Huffington Post”.

The U.S. President had announced less than a week ago that Kelly will have to vacate the Post to the end of the year. Since then, the President is looking for a successor for the Job in the power centralized in Washington, but so far in vain. The as a favorite-traded chief of staff of Vice-President Mike Pence, Nick Ayres said, and announced his withdrawal from the White house. Even the arch-conservative MP Mark Meadows did not want to accept the Job.

trump’s previous chiefs of staff had in the White house in a difficult position. Kelly was followed in July of 2017, the hapless Reince Priebus. The ratio between the prestigious Four-star General and the President should have then deteriorated fast.

Video: Trump must continue to chief of staff A candidate after the other for the difficult Items in the White house. (Video: Reuters)

trump’s son-in-law Kushner, an influence is already rich President of the adviser. He played, among other things, in the case of the free-trade talks with Canada and Mexico into a Central role and to work for Trump for a middle East peace plan. Kushner also maintains close Links to the Saudi Arabian crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, due to the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi international criticism. (fal/afp)

Created: 14.12.2018, 07:24 PM