The tearful admission of guilt before the court is a frontal attack on the White house. His loyalty to Donald Trump have made him “blind,” said Michael Cohen, a long-standing and, in the meantime, scorned attorney for the U.S. President. More still, he got covered up in all of the years, in which he called the “dirty deeds” of his boss, his “own inner voice” and his “moral compass” is ignored. Regardless of public repentance Cohen because of Bank fraud and tax evasion needs to three years in prison. The politically explosive Offense of illegal campaign financing.

Thus, the judgment against Cohen radiates all the way to Washington, even if the US President in the Twitter-rhythm, to distance himself from his former hatchet man. From the point of view of the Prosecutor of the New York Federal court, Trump has donated his lawyer, to pay shortly before the presidential election in hush money to two women. The two say they have had with Trump an extra-marital affair. Therefore, many of Trump’s opponents will see the ultimate Moment came to demand an Impeachment for the President.

notes on a questionable environment

A procedure of impeachment because of hush money payments would, however, have little chance of success: Even if the first is the suspicion of the New true York Prosecutor, and a lot of recalls, it is unclear whether one can prove Trump is a Misdemeanor. Secondly, it is embarrassing when a President paid hush money to two women, and when he did it to influence the election, it is also not legal. But to a capital crime it is, no one is really harmed. And even Trumps the Republicans have in the Senate that would have to cases of the verdict, a solid majority. Much more of Robert Mueller’s Russia-investigations offer perhaps one day the possibility to prosecute the President.

This is not to say that the case of Cohen, Trump has no consequences. Slowly they are likely to be for his followers, obviously, the environment in which this President moved: He runs, apparently, love with porn stars (Stormy Daniels), and has Affairs with Playboy Models (Karen McDougal); he hires a political consultant, you know exactly whether you are working for Washington or Moscow (Michael Flynn); he surrounds himself with shady lobbyists, who work for dictators, if the fee is right (Paul Manafort); or he is just a ruthless Shyster Michael Cohen, the legal dirty work is done.


it is Judged That trump shear environment is characterized by a lot of criminal energy, what is a moral instance of how the US President is due for a bad one. But above all, this environment differs radically from that in the rust belt, the rundown industrial area between New York and the Great lakes, the neglected Mid-West or impoverished areas like West Virginia. Here, however, the Trump Fans. Actually, you would have your choice of 2016 long question, if you hear it to and fro in the world, its President.

unlike Cohen, Trump is, therefore, no case for the judge, but for the voters. The Americans can judge for 2020 about Donald Trump. Allegedly, the number of those who calibrate their moral compass re-rises.


Created: 13.12.2018, 22:53 PM