For Christoph Blochers conditions, it was a pleading appearance, a speech at the border to the begging. He should not resign, please don’t. The Federal government in Bern need Toni Brunner. He had to do nothing in the Federal house, just a little bit.

Blocher gave his speech in the house of the freedom in the Toggenburg, the Landbeiz of Toni Brunner. The new book on Brunner was celebrated, 23 years of anecdotes and rags stories from the Federal government in Bern, filled pub to the last seat and the audience amazed. What makes Blocher? What is he told? What does he mean?

no one knew this Friday from Brunner’s plans. Except Blocher, of course. Actually, Toni Brunner wanted to announce his resignation from the national Council this evening, among friends. It is enough for now. I’ve seen it. Bye żame. But somehow it did not fit. Brunner stood still.

The guests learned the news of the Evening, only later, on the return journey from the house of liberty, by news-Push on the Smartphone.

back in 1992 I said: The we need.Christoph Blocher

With these Push notifications started the final Transfiguration of the exceptional talent of the Swiss policy of the boy Wonder. 23 years, Toni Brunner in the national policy, the end of an Era. The “world week” wrote a kind of Home book in the house of freedom about the “rich man from the Tockenburg,” ended with the sentence: “Who is watching him, then thrown, even just for one night in his home, comes to the conclusion: It’s all good.” The “Schweizer Illustrierte”, in Brunner, his first love letter to his girlfriend Esther Friedli print left, accompanied him the last days in the house. The television was on his heels, the journalists in the foyer, stood in line (as always), and friends from the Toggenburg celebrated him at a further presentation of the book with free beer and sausages in the old town of Bern. A bit of a funfair for one, can no longer live up there.

Blocher showed his Affection at first angry. Brunner no longer have to keep it simple out in the Federal house, to be tapped have been shot, said Blocher in his Internet broadcast. Bern is a shark pool, “where everyone tries to fuck the other.” To collect the Federal house full of career politicians who would have nothing else to do, than Meeting fees. “Toni Brunner is the opposite of a professional politician, is the opposite of the popular politician.”

Blochers envy

Of all the people that Christoph Blocher at the rise of the SVP the strongest party in Switzerland, is part of Toni Brunner of the most important. The young farmer, 21 years ago, in 1995, surprisingly, in the national Council elected, was a stroke of luck for the SVP, a stroke of luck for Christoph Blocher. Brunner was what was Blocher. First of all-a real farmer. With a barn and cows and plaice from under its feet. “The fact that he is still a farmer, envy I him a little bit,” says Blocher.

But it was more than that. Here Blocher, ertrotzen his Talk, suffer, Protestant doggedly. A draft of writes, then a next, a fourth and a seventh. As Brunner, the reads in twenty minutes so in a Dossier that he can stand in front of a camera. To let “in the very beginning of his career, I like to come with me of him to the television. He shoots a never in the back, mortised never crazy. It’s quite rare,” says Blocher.

It was Blocher who discovered the young Toni Brunner – treichel swinging in an event against the EEA in 1992. “Even then, I said: we need.”

Loss through the chaos

The appreciation is mutual. When Brunner took over shortly after Blocher to the Federal Council of the party Bureau, was one of his conditions that Blocher Vice. “We didn’t have to talk to each other, have always understood the blind,” said Brunner this week at his Abschiedsapéro.

at The same time managed to Blocher and Brunner, which would hardly have kept someone in Switzerland for: the SVP as 30-to-consolidate-percent-party. Brunner, the aggressive party is a friendly face. And with great success. In his home Canton of St. Gallen, he has built over 60 Ortsparteien. Of zero. Within twenty years of the SVP in St. Gallen, with 35.8 percent of voters share (2015) to become the largest party in the Canton.

he repeated this success. Shortly after he had taken over the Bureau in 2008, split in the BDP. Brunner controlled the SVP of amazing loss by this turmoil. After a shock in the elections of 2011 the party 2015 made the best result in its history.

Silent tag in the party

On Brunner can, some of all, in St. Gallen, and the Rest of Switzerland. A mind person, a stomach person, harmless, and nice. A you like to drink a beer or gentian schnapps would like to. With him at the top of the ideas of the SVP was only really in the society. Brunner is the SVP would like to be: cozy, down-to-earth, connected to the home, not studying – but smart.

That Brunner was during his time on the Blocher-line, whether all of the Cozy and fun. In the current NZZ-MP-Rating, which politicians classify on a left-right scale from -10 to +10, he comes to a bare 10. He agreed right as Andreas Glarner, Walter Wobmann, or Thomas Matter.

still, the tag of the party instead found itself during Brunner’s time. With the farmers at the top of the SVP turned into a party of middle managers, and academics. Today, people like Thomas Aeschi embossing, Roger Köppel, and Thomas Matter – are all against the designs of the man from the Toggenburg.

“Normal, that it has to do from time to time rumbles”

Also the way how SVP fits in the Parliament, nothing more to do with the SVP at the time of the great Expansion. Blocher biographer Markus Somm wrote in the “Sunday newspaper” about the Federal Council elections under the title “Blocher-dawn”: “The SVP, the party, which had beaten Switzerland in the last 26 years in her spell, which had resisted and shouted that this party had been incorporated in the Wednesday final.”

There’s something happening. There is, perhaps, already done something. And those of the party are closest to, feel it is best. “My extension” called Somm, “consolidation,” says Blocher. “We have as a party an amazing development behind us, because it’s completely logical that it is, and rumbles. All in all, we are on a consolidated basis, but much better than I previously thought.”

The great Regret

means the Consolidated normalized in this reading. It is not only Blochers party, and now only the party of Brunner, it is not. And even if Blocher says that one should not overstate the resignation of former party President, because this was an exception – “even within the SVP”: Speaks Blocher, in these days, Brunner, big Regret with swings.

The senses, who reads the Foreword of Brunner’s autobiography, written by Blocher. Sumptuously, he tells of an evening in the house of freedom, the view directed to the churfirsten. A barren life, lead Brunner here, but there are reasons deep. “The day vanished, the night fell gently on the majestic landscape,” writes Blocher. “All of a sudden I heard beautiful singing from the house.” The Radio? No, the men’s choir winter mountain Bendel in the sample. Blocher sneaks behind the stage and is quite taken. “The young and the Old, in short and long work pants, peasant shirts, in the mountains or the shepherd’s shoes, the other barefoot! They sing with beautiful voices, without looking at the music. This also belongs to the force, which accounts for the happy nature and substance of Toni Brunner.” It is as if Blocher of his beloved Albert-Anker would describe images. Somewhere, a straw-blond young man, a blissful Smile on his face, between his lips a blade of Grass. How much he would like to hang up the hold, for always in his room. But those days are over. His friend Toni Brunner do not like it.

Beni Gafner: Toni Brunner. Werd Verlag, Thun 2018. 244 p., CA. 39 Fr. (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 13.12.2018, 18:57 PM