According to what DN experience so stopped IBM Sweden of the group’s management in the united states from giving any interviews about it-the scandal when it was revealed in the summer of 2017.

” We have a pretty strong policy that we speak not about our customers, our processes and what we do. It is to protect ourselves, our brand, but also our customers, launched the director Mikael Pettersson from IBM in his testimony before the court.

Mikael Pettersson is responsible for the datadriften for customers who similar to the Swedish transport agency outsourced their it to IBM, a contract worth 800 million. He testified about how it itch in the fingers to give the company’s version.

” During these two years gone by, had always wanted to go in and poke and say certain things in the reports that come out. Some things are leaked. Some things should not be released to the public, he concluded.

he testified that due to the Swedish transport agency’s last director-general Maria Ågren, through their unions, the Swedish association of graduate engineers sued the state because she was fired in 2017. It is the covenant which called him as a witness.

“You have to find out the truth and present it,” said Mikael Petterson who, in his testimony, could not go in on the secrets that could hurt IBM or national security.

IBM’s line is that the secret information not disclosed by the outsourcing. That the IBM technologies in the Czech republic had received permission to go into the Swedish transport agency it systems threatened the safety is not, according to the company.

the Technicians could never see or even access the data and they were not interested in it, ” said Mikael Pettersson.

He also claimed that if the millions of swedes körkortsdata would be copied so it would have to take unreasonably long periods of time, up to one year. It had also demanded large computational resources that it would have been discovered by IBM.

who has the burden of proving that the confidential information disclosed. This applies primarily to the körkortsregistret where the identity of the Swedish secret agents vii. The state’s witnesses explained that the it engineers at IBM in the Czech republic had both access to data and the opportunity to do was they wanted.

They could read, delete, alter and restore the data, said Johan Eriksson, who was the it-security officer at the Swedish transport agency.

Mikael Petterson from IBM testified that the foreign technicians could not see the stored photos with körkortsinnehavarnas faces. It was a form of David Heed, who in the past worked with and analysed the Swedish transport agency’s it security.

According to David Heed is the photos of the faces stored as data. These could easily be moved to the so-called hoppservrar, locked up and through the computer software re-transformed into visible images.

the Technicians had full opportunity to inspect and copy the information, said David Heed.

the Negotiations would be completed on Thursday but will now continue next week.