“The prisons in Sweden are also at risk of becoming terroristskolor”

“the Terrorist in Strasbourg was radicalised in prison.”

“In Sweden is estimated to about 80 people able to undergo a similar development.”

“in France and neighbouring countries chased the man, suspected for the sensitive attacks in Strasbourg in which at least two persons were murdered, is 29 years young, which does not prevent him from having a aktningsvärt criminal record.”

“Convicted 27 times, multiple prison sentences, including for robbery and violent crime.”

“In prison, he has radicalized,” says French deputy minister for the interior Mr Nunez. The task doesn’t surprise. It was behind the walls that thoughts of attack were also born of the perpetrators behind the terrorist attacks in Paris and Copenhagen a few years ago.”

“It is in prison or on the internet of our time, the european extremists, not least the islamic, stained ideologically and start thinking in terms of politically motivated violence.”

“the Net seduces with promises of alleged partisan and virgins waiting in paradise, preachers behind the walls attracts people who already have a low threshold for violence with a story about why their life looks as it does and for a society that is to blame.”

“In Sweden, the following Probation 80 people serving prison sentences and who are deemed to be at risk. Of them are 65 of the supporters of the jihadi movements, the rest have their background in the left – or right-wing environments.”

“More digits: Seven persons serving in the day of punishment for terrorism, and a 20 is judged to have the ability to radicalize or recruit other.”

“the Problem is likely to be greater. ICE has collapsed in Iraq and Syria and more people are expected to return from these and similar environments.”

“Fortunately keeps the Correctional the eyes of these characters. The employees have been trained on the extremistmiljöer and radikaliseringsprocesser and some attempts at solicitation of the person has been detected and dispelled the last few years.”

“One advantage that Sweden has in comparison with France, for example, are numerous and relatively small institutions. A relationship that makes it easier to detect trends and, where necessary, to place on the inmates.”

“But of course there are no guarantees. Sooner or later, even Sweden are affected by a terrorist attack committed by a person who has been radicalized in prison.”