I was in the debate DR last Thursday.

And I do not understand why the syrians, venstrefløjsaktivisterne and the kulturradkaile complain about the fact that syrian refugees might be sent back when the war is finally over.

– The same question – why did I not go home – I was so off in the TV.

– They understand, to be honest not that I am not a refugee or on a temporary stay.

so begins Chadi Hassan a letter to the nation! about Danish immigration policy, the syrian refugee to go home to Syria and the future of Denmark. Chadi – who has written about the ghettos and Chadi for demolition: It is not the buildings it is mad with – it is the residents (420 comments) and handshake ‘Deal, however, hand to the country that has given you food on the table'(222 comments) seem not he was allowed to talk out completely, since he was on TV a week ago. His letter continues thus:

– I’m a Danish citizen, both my children are Danish citizens, I have been here for 29 years, passed in the Danish school, have had Danish friends my whole life, I have taken both Denmark to me both culturally and with the language. And values.

– I decide when I am traveling or will be.

– In addition, I was also joined by family members with my father and our trip was completely legal.

– the Time was also a second at the time, because the pressure on Denmark was not near so large.

– at that Time we had not organized gangs, parallel societies, terrorism and all the problems today as we see the consequence of. And public support was also somewhat larger than it is today.

– of Course I have not forgotten who I am and where I come from, and I keep very much of Lebanon, my country of origin, and have been there many times.

– It is also what I often tell and inform people, when I share pictures from my vacation.

– I have also kept many of my parents ‘ values, but it is not any values that are in opposition to Danish.

– But, in my opinion, is the syrians have been arrogant, selvfede and selfish. Almost nothing can satisfied them longer.

– first, each of the acids above 18 years of age 133.000 crowns with home.

– in Addition to the 133.000 kr. so they can also get a maintenance for a number of years. Thus they get an opportunity to make a fresh start in the country of origin.

– Had I been in the same situation and got the same offer, so I had traveled and I had to live by selling the corn cobs in Syria, so I’d still have my self-respect and pride in order.

Denmark has always been very well received by people and thus, we have not lost our warm hearts and hospitality, as someone says.

– We treat people properly. We have a tradition for when we have taken in refugees and people of moisture.

– I am also open to that we can keep a few of them, if they:

1. Is positive

2. Contribute to the treasury

3. Not islamists

4. Have learned the language.

5. Has a labor which we cannot do without, or procure elsewhere.

– But the majority of them should return home and rebuild their country.

– You can’t turn his country back on the way, just because you have come to something better. It will be treason, for who else should build the country than the native population?

– You have a duty to help the country of origin, where you were born.

– If all ran away from their responsibilities, so will all the history and the identity be lost.

– The syrian refugees in Lebanon have begun to return. the

– Yes, actually, over 150,000 syrians returned without a penny in your pocket – syrians who have far worse circumstances, than the syrians in Denmark.

– Why can the other, the syrerer, who lives in Europe with far better conditions and which, in fact, is the strongest of Syria, so not find the way back?

– There have to be guarantees that Assad is not throw them in prison or in torturcellerne, if they return, but when you are on a temporary stay, then you must also understand that it is temporary.

– There has never been a legal requirement that these people must be here permanently and always.

– If we must have a Denmark that in the future must hang together, and where there is council of welfare, then we should do away with the asylum and refugee policy, we have today.

– It means a asylstop until we get the hang of them, we have here. Otherwise we get a totally different country no one will be able to recognize. Neither me, who came to the country in 1989, where there were only 100.000 refugees and immigrants. The figure means something for the country welfare, cultural understanding and cohesion.

– Morten Østergaard would otherwise also not on TV answer the question of how Denmark should accept and he will not say the number.

– But he continues the same track from the 90s, and it has not changed.

– It can rather not be right to 3 small parties in Denmark which consists of the Radical Left, Unity and the Alternative to determine what the majority of people want.

– The wish namely that we must continue to lead a tight immigration policy, writes Chadi, but what do you say?