Aki linnanahde the gym ended in accident to the station.Aki Linnanahde became sick telottuaan fingers. Jukka Lehtinen
radio presenter Aki Linnanahde tell instagramiaan the accident again.
– a-Day practice ended short, when the finger got between weights, he writes.
the Accident Aki ended up in the Töölö accident to the station. He commends the publication of its hospital activity.
the Fluttering fingertip was sewn back into the pile and a small fracture will heal with rest. All well.
in Addition, Aki thanked medical personnel calling them everyday heroes.
– They deserve the appreciation and good working conditions also in the future, when taxpayers have less and to care for the needy people even more.
Its somewhat hard to linnanahde the fingers the accident to take that man to reach nova’s morning broadcast show.
nova’s broadcast was told Akin to sick leave. It remains to be seen how soon a favorite presenter back in the ether.
If the image is not showing, you can watch it here.