“Twitterhögern leads you down into the abyss,”

“Debater: Swedish sphere must select before it’s too late.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Recently described Henrik Sundström, Expo magazine as far. He is a moderate politician and candidate to the european Parliament. The statement is inconceivable. The Expo has been tirelessly examined the far-right and anti-democratic actors in decades. Their employees therefore have lived under a constant threat from the same environments.”

“point them out that far is and has been a part of the högerextrem tactics. The aim is to erode the confidence of one of our time’s most important institutions. Then play makthavares words, a central role in the debate. “

“When politicians in the moderate party, falsely pointing out democratic actors as far, or flirts with right-wing symbols, it namely the consequences. It is enough to briefly consider the contemporary era to understand the consequences.”

“The right-wing movement will unite behind the statement. Internally, they will communicate the choice of words as a victory. “

“In the documentary about Patrik Hermansson who infiltrated the altright movement in the united states and the united kingdom, is a telling example. Where he describes how right-wing movements cheered when Trump made the OK sign. The gesture had been used by vitmakt-movement to signal White Pride, where the fingers ‘posture symbolized W and P.”

“happened In Sweden the same thing by the politician Hanif Bali. He also began flirting with the extreme right-wing semantics. He was described then – of altright-operating Swedish counterpart – which vitmakt-operating rescue. The listed then the ten reasons why he should become leader of the conservative party.”

“the Implications are clear. Anyone who chooses to allude to right-wing narrative will receive the backing of vitmakt environments and their anti-democratic trolls. If not the established bourgeoisie greatly marks will be more embrace the tactic in social media.”

“To an untrained eye then risk parts of the right-wing and radical nationalists to grow together. The environments will overlap when the lines are blurred. For an ordinary constituents they become, therefore, impossible to distinguish. Especially in the migrationskritiska currents. “

“the Impact will be greater acceptance for spreading anti-democratic and antidemokraters – materials children.”

“the Fact is that the development is already done. In the year spread, for example, Erik van der Heeg – writer on the site ledarsidan.see – unconsciously nazi propaganda, by sharing a picture about the ”Finnspångsrättegångarna”. It is a högerextrem utopia where ”

“The traditional right must be in unison the mark when policymakers use högerextremisters imagery, or pointing out important institutions as far. It is not enough to hide behind some kind of pent-up värdenihilism, where words don’t matter or where there is no need to take responsibility. Which words we choose makes a difference. Likewise, what we choose to condemn.”

“It had benefited us all, not least the bourgeoisie. Otherwise there is the risk that it created a slippery slope. It can only lead in one direction.”

“Straight down into the abyss.”

“nSimon Andersson, researcher for several years, reviewed radikalnationalism online. Employees at interasistmen.see – but the article is the author’s personal opinions.”

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