As the spectacle in the Oval Office was over, showed the cameras short John Kelly, who had stood all the time next to a few other consultants in a corner of the room. He smiled sadly. The outgoing chief of staff of Donald Trump only until the end of the year is in the office, and the expression on Tuesday seemed to say: thanks God I’m out of here soon.

Kelly had just become a witness of how the US President delivered with the tips of the Democrats, a public debate, which has been in the White house as never seen before. It was since the mid-term elections, the first Trumps the meeting with Nancy Pelosi, the group leader of the Opposition in the house of representatives, and Chuck Schumer, the head of the Democrats in the Senate.

And before the real conversation behind closed doors began, they and keiften Trump, Pelosi and Schumer for 17 long minutes in front of the cameras on the construction of the border wall with Mexico, the President from the Congress to Finance.

Below the belt

Trump waving his hands and with note cards, Pelosi appeared as blaming nafs teacher, Schumer looked after each jibe self-satisfied, as if he had just told a particularly good joke. At the end of Schumer Trump had wanted to, where he him have. The President threatened that he would set the Government, if the Democrats in Congress would not lead to a temporary budget resolution that includes five billion dollars for the construction of the wall. “I’ll take responsibility,” said Trump. “I would be proud of a Shutdown of the border security’s sake.” Shutdown – this is the name of the Americans, when the government was shut down, because it is liquid.

According to the view of many observers, Trump came out with his statement against one of the basic rules of the Washington political establishment. A columnist for the Washington Post summarizes this as: don’t ever say you’re for a Shutdown, because the voters hate more than anything. But Trump keeps, the scene showed in the Oval Office, only to his own rules. And the closer to the script of a Reality TV Show as a guide for traditional governance.

After the Meeting, however, it was the Democrats that pushed the level down further. That Trump insist such on his wall Mexico, have to do with it, that it was for the President to be “a matter of manhood,” said Pelosi in front of your group. “It’s as if masculinity would be something you would bring with him.” At the same time, she compared the conversation with Trump with a “pissing contest against a skunk”: nobody can escape untainted. Pelosi has some enemies in the own group, and you need on your side, if you want to be elected in January to the new majority leader of the house of representatives – that might explain this sound. The content of the Democrats are of the view that the wall is unnecessary. The border to leave by other means to protect.

Video Trump threatens with government to a standstill

From trump’s point of view, there are quite good reasons to look to the Showdown with the Opposition. The construction of a border wall is for many of his followers, the most important electoral promise of all. That Mexico in it will pay, has not spoken to the President a long time ago. But he knows that he needs this thing a success. Trump should now yield to any, tweeted about the ultra-right columnist Ann Coulter. A survey of the radio station NPR revealed this week that 65 percent of the Republican voters of Trump expected to insist on the construction of the wall – even if he has to take a Shutdown.

until the end of the year, the Republicans hold in the house of representatives, a majority, to adopt a budget resolution in his mind, needs to Trump at least ten votes of the Democrats in the Senate. The only way to receive this, an uncompromising attitude – the Tenor in conservative circles. “Therefore, we chose the Trump, you guys. He is a fighter,” writes the Online platform, “Townhall”.

The Power is now divided

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham pointed to the wrong that the Democrats in the Senate had given in the spring of their agreement to significantly a lot more funds for border security, as it calls for Trump now. If it were you, would you move now.

The President has until Friday evening, the Congress already approved a transition budget to sign, in which, however, the five billion dollars are not included for the wall. Trump reached with the Democrats, no agreement, would have important parts of the Federal government on 21. December no more money, including the Department of homeland security for border protection.

A compromise is not yet in sight, however. On Wednesday underlined Trump his attitude, he made on Twitter, a connection between the terrorist attack in Strasbourg, and the need for increased border protection in the United States: “Chuck and Nancy need to give us the necessary votes!” In Washington, the dispute in the Oval Office clearly showed the Power after the mid-term elections divided. And it need to get used to all.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 12.12.2018, 23:51 PM