Is there a homemade food, you have to have his canary with, and what activities are there to pass the time with.

An overview of all Danish nursing homes to make it easier for the elderly and their relatives to choose the right place to stay.

the Information will be available on the website, as all the Danish nursing homes targeted at elderly people are required to create a profile on.

Ældreminister Thyra Frank (LA) hope that the statement can make it easier to find a good nursing home.

– It can be a big and difficult decision to move on in the nursing home, and it is important that you move into a place you like, she says in a press release.

the Statement contains information on Denmark’s 950 nursing homes, care centers and friplejehjem that caters to the elderly.

It will, among other things, be possible to see if that individual nursing homes make the food, if there is fællesdyr, whether there are weekly events as well as recent inspection reports.

There are freely plejehjemsvalg in Denmark. Thus it is also possible to select a nursing home in a different municipality than the one they live in.

the Older the Case is positive about the statement, but the consultant Nina Bruun doubt that it will be used much in practice.

today, the demands on the to get a care home place within two months, but if you are looking for a specific nursing home, void the warranty.

– When you become eligible for a nursing home, so is it because you are weakened both physically and mentally and need a space here and now, and so is even two months is a long time to wait.

– So it is important to be aware of the consequences if you choose to sign up on a waiting list for a specific nursing home, says Nina Bruun.

Roughly 43 000 danes live in nursing homes, and on average, live two years in a nursing home.

At the confederation of Danish Industries, representing about 130 of the country’s 150 private nursing homes, is the political supervisor Rasmus Larsen Lindblom is very pleased with the statement.

– We think that it is very much needed. There has not been transparency enough in the past. It is really important that individuals and families can compare quality and take the right choice out of it.

– in Addition, the means statement, to the less good nursing homes can learn from those who perform best. It can help to lift the quality overall, says Rasmus Larsen Lindblom.

There is allocated 12.5 million dollars to drive the schedule forward to 2021.