stay Michael Cohen in freedom? Or he needs to go to prison because he worked for a man who is today President of the United States of America? Federal judge William Pauley from the Southern District of New York will announce the sentence for the crimes of which Cohen himself has pleaded guilty. Cohen was for many years the personal attorney of Donald Trump . Be a Fixer, as it is so beautiful. He has fixed things that Trump has screwed up.

it Would only go to Cohen, that would be sensational enough. But it is all a question of whether the US President is not also a criminal offence has made. And if he didn’t have to go to prison for it. The most important questions and answers:

What Offences, has known Cohen guilty?
in the spring of FBI employees looking for private rooms and offices of Cohen and any amount of files, disks, and recordings confiscated, suspecting that it could be very tight for him. It was excluded that Cohen would not have a proverbial skeleton in the closet. At the end of August, finally, he gave in to the determination pressure, and explained in a number of cases of tax evasion, Bank fraud and illegal election campaign help for Trump guilty. It actions eight.

Why has the FBI ever for Cohen?
The special investigator in Russia, the affair, Robert Mueller, gave the New York FBI colleagues, the decisive information on the hush money payments to two Nude models, which is said to have an affair with Trump. Mueller examines whether and the extent to which the Trump, or his campaign aides and the Russian government have worked together to win the election in 2016. Cohen played there as a personal advocate of Trump an important role, which is why he took him under closer scrutiny. The clues to the crime which he has given to the FBI in New York, were the waste products of these investigations.

What punishment has to be expected Cohen to?
In the penalty recommendations made by his lawyer to the court in writing, is depicted Cohen as a loving father, and as a broken man, only got in trouble because he got Trump so very familiar. The prosecutors see it differently. You can expect a “substantial” penalty for Cohen’s Offense. He had acted out of greed, and deserve, therefore, no mitigation. The policies of the United States in Cohen’s case, a sentence of 51 to 63 months. The judge can, however, vary both upwards as well as downwards. In the case of Cohen, it is expected that it will remain below it.

Has not cooperated Cohen with the investigators and therefore deserves Jail?
In fact, he has been cooperating with investigators. And the Prosecutor would grant him a certain criminal’s estate. But Cohen has just signed a cooperation agreement. For this, he would have had to fully cooperate. All or nothing, the principle for such agreements. Cohen wanted to keep a few things for themselves. He has only put the things out in the open, of which, he believed, they could make before the court impression.

What has helped Cohen to the investigation?
He laid his contacts with Russian government representatives are open, given that he has followed trump’s dream of a Trump Tower in Moscow until June 2016, so in the midst of the election campaign. He should also have “helpful information” about the Coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign, as well as about his own contacts with the White house in the years 2017 and 2018.

in terms of the FBI investigation in New York, stands out, above all, that Cohen has accused his Ex-boss, to have him direct instructions given to pay the campaign money to the two Nude models. So he had to prevent that their statements in the election campaign to be made public, they would have had extramarital Affairs with Trump. This counts as illegal campaign financing.

Why is Trump so much of the decision of the judge, what punishment will be given to Cohen?
Who incites to a Crime in the US are as guilty as the one who executes the Offense. In the letter of recommendation for the judge, the Prosecutor, on the other hand, that Cohen’s Version is correct: Trump had requested it to pay the hush money to two women. To claim, must have the Prosecutor more evidence than just Cohen’s statement. In other words: Is Cohen guilty of is Trump.

Trump is President. He does not enjoy because of immunity?
at Least there is the unwritten law, according to which incumbent President none law enforcement to be suspended. Whether the imposition of a charge is permissible or not, about the law, argue scholars. The open question is: Why have described the New York Prosecutor Trumps complicity so clear, if you don’t want him to bring to court?

How high is the probability that the Trump is accused of?
as long As he is in office, is very low. However, he is likely to now have an increased interest in it, to win the election in 2020. The Statute of limitations for illegal campaign funding runs out in 2022. If Trump should lose the election in 2020, then the Prosecutor could open the day after the inauguration proceedings against him. You can prove that Trump had asked Cohen to pay the hush money, and Cohen is sentenced to imprisonment, then it would be pretty extraordinary, when the US President would not be indicted.

Is it time for impeachment proceedings against Trump?
This is mainly a political question. The Democrats could initiate a process in January, with her conquered majority in the house of representatives. But in the end, the Senate must agree to it. There, the Republicans have the majority. The Democrats will initiate Impeachment only if the you can hope for a political success. But this is not said necessarily. Only 42 percent of Americans support the idea of impeachment proceedings against Trump. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 12.12.2018, 14:30 PM