The adviser affair in the Ministry of defence is the case for a parliamentary investigation Committee in the Bundestag. The Chairpersons of the Greens, FDP and Left party in the defence Committee agreed on Wednesday on the establishment of such a body. It aims to investigate the use of external experts for a three-digit million amount, under the Secretary of defense Ursula of the Leyen (CDU). The votes of the three opposition factions from the rich to the establishment.

the affair in August was Triggered by a report of the German Federal court of auditors, doubts the efficiency and legality of the consultants use in the Ministry. In the years 2015 and 2016, there are at least 200 million euros were spent for external expertise. The allegations of waste of tax revenue and the nepotism in the room.

Prior to the decision of the Opposition had taken from the Leyen on Wednesday for the second Time in a special session of the defence Committee, a number of hours to the affair position. Your former state Secretary Katrin Suder stayed away from the meeting but wanted to answer members ‘ questions only in writing. That gave the opposition groups the decision to opt for a U-Committee, as these witnesses can be subpoena.

The establishment of such a body, a minority is right, for only a quarter of the votes of the defence Committee are necessary. Green, Left and the FDP together, 11 out of 36 members have thus more than the necessary 9 votes. The AfD had already applied for four weeks ago a Committee of inquiry, was then a failure with the advance but first.

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Von der Leyen, had taken in the last legislature, Suder by the consulting firm McKinsey to the Ministry, in the defence sector to clean up. Suder resigned this year, shortly before the start of the consultant affair. Your statement is held by the Opposition, especially as regards the allegation of nepotism is essential.

Von der Leyen: “Need advice from the outside”

Von der Leyen made in the margins of the Committee is clear that they have no influence on the appearance of Links. “I am in favour of the employees of the Ministry responsible,” she said. The use of external consultants, the CDU-politician defended. “It is undisputed that, we need the projects themselves, and the advice of experts from the outside,” she said. It is largely the topic of digitization. Because there was a “considerable backlog” and time pressure, whether external Expertise is necessary.

However, acknowledged by the Leyen omissions in your house when dealing with the public procurement law. To prevent this in the future, have been improved the control mechanisms, especially with regard to the use of sub-contractors.

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defence Minister Von der Leyen capitulated to the adviser’s army

Fabian Löhe

In the investigation of defence, the defence Committee transforms into a Committee of inquiry, then, is so identical. This special arrangement is due to the special sensitivity of security issues. (dpa)