Therefore, the damaged country of moderatbudgeten

the Foundation of the moderate party, drawn together in partikansliets echo chamber

Aftonbladet leader board is independent socialist.

Some time after four o’clock in the afternoon, parliament will vote on next year’s state budget. All the indications are that the members will then add a further dimension to the political chaos the country is in.

Moderates, who barely a month ago failed to conquer the government, intends to push through its economic policies. And with the support of the christian democrats and sverigedemokrater learn the number of votes to be sufficient.

It is really bad in at least three ways.

first Of all it is not 20 billion in tax cuts – most to those who serve the best – that Sweden needs. Not higher taxes on fackföreningsavgift, no byggsubventioner or elimination of the aviation tax, either. What Sweden needs is resources to the welfare, health, education and social care – and efforts to deal with a coming recession.

When Sweden eventually get a government, it is the issues that will be at the top of the agenda, but after today’s vote parliament has already shared out the money.

secondly, it is an ill-informed decision parliament will make. Making a budget is no simple operation. Finance ministry officials are working very hard with each number, down to the smallest elcykelbidrag. Authorities and other government departments may provide comments and objections. To the end there is a surface that may the activities of the state to work in the coming year.

The decision of the parliament of all judging will take today have a completely different background. The foundation has moderate partipolitruker drawn together in partikansliets echo chamber. Then have the christian democrats and – more discreetly – sverigedemokrater got to change in the margin.

Exactly what will fail, when the moderate budget shall apply, we do not know, but we know that there will be problems.

For the third set, the riksdag today a dangerous example for the future. The rules for the transitional government and, by extension, övergångsbudgeten is to make it easier for a future government. Magdalena Andersson and her colleagues have kept to the rules. Moderaten Elisabeth Svantesson and sverigedemokraten Oscar Sjöstedt sabotage them deliberately.

this is The way the practice is created. The next time the country is in political crisis, no to stick to some rules.