A month after the adoption of the pension package of the black-red coalition was, somewhat surprisingly, that the new CDU-Chairman, of all places, made the old-age security, a Central issue of the coming year. In two interview rounds in the public broadcasters, they said according to your choice so that the issue of pension was the most important Federal policy issue, in order to make the AfD in the upcoming elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia are small.

Maybe you should remember that the AfD has become completely without a private pension concept to the largest opposition faction in the German Bundestag – in Saxony it was in the election, even the strongest force. The idea of the right-wing populists to take away the pension of a theme, therefore can not rise, because their voters were not interested in it at all. This should be the strategy Annegret Kramp cart Builder, the disappointed CDU voters of the AfD back, I wish for the CDU, a good trip.

With the election of the new Chairman of the Christian democratic delegates like on Friday, a clear decision: for the “More so” of the diffuse social-democratic Merkel-course and against a political and economic reorientation. Because even under Kramp-Karrenbauer redistribution seems to be the Motto. It is no Surprise that the “new” pension plans of the Saar countries are, of course, with taxes paid.

A discharge of the power to prepare and actually not at Bar is also in a time of record tax revenue, of course – even if the CDU party Congress called for courage at the abolition of the solidarity surcharge. Would loose eggs dance by the Christian Democrats during the solos to perform for years, is described frivolous nor euphemistically. In the election campaign in 2017, they demanded the abolition by 2021. In Jamaica-interviews, they blocked the abolition. And in the coalition agreement with the SPD could not agree to an abolition – although SPD’s top candidate Martin Schulz in the election campaign, called for this until 2021. Now, however, the CDU puts up with courage against the coalition agreement, and shows with the Finger on the contract of social Democrats loyal, if the Soli is not abolished completely. In accordance with Norbert Blüm, you can say: “The CDU is a Hero in the evening.” Who design defends such a program arm Tactics as a sensible policy, there is not more to help.

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to order, It is certainly not fair to scold the new Secretary-General Paul Ziemiak on the occasion of his not completed training, as do parts of his own party now. But the way, as well as in the earlier party of Ludwig Erhard, the professional success of Friedrich Merz as a penalty was raised, had a special quality. It is doubtful that the already battered Image of the CDU as the economy party, which ensures that performance and willing to get all the chances, so a long time can be maintained.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has come a long way, without however, in the call to ignite the programmatic fireworks. Despite all assurances they will not bring substantive change. And that it is for the CDU program, as Angela Merkel has been in the last few years, is not to be expected.

The long successful strategy of Angela Merkel, the CDU use as a position-less a vehicle for the securing of the Chancellor’s office, will not rise for a long time. The Union has lost since the election, substantially in the consent. There are other, more concrete answers are asked. Whether Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, however, is able to and has the authority to give those answers for the CDU, is more than questionable. The CDU is a heavy gear. That he will again run well above 30 per cent, may safely be doubted.

More about

New CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak: “Because today is the start of something New”

Robert pear

Wolfgang Kubicki is the Vice-President of the German Bundestag and member of the parliamentary faction of Free Democrats.